Tithonus= Realm of Too Many legs (Insects, Arachnids, Myriapods)

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—Insect Inciter: Able to summon, communicate with, and manipulate any kind of insect. (6-legs)
—Vibration Vigilance: Can sense sounds and vibrations and can manipulate their hearing.
—Exoskeleton: They have armored outer flesh (eyes, skin, hair, nails, inside of mouth)
that's superhumanly durable. It would take special-grade metals like titanium to pierce it. Doesn't hinder anything about them.
—Arachnid Archduke: Able to summon, communicate with, and manipulate any kind of arachnid. (8-legs)
—Venom Nexus: Their bodies can create any kind of venom or poison they want that can be used on any living creature through their teeth, claws, releasing it as mist, shoot it out of their teeth or claws, or covering weapons. Can filter out who or what they want their venoms to affect.
—Myriapod Manipulation: Able to summon, communicate with, and manipulate any kind of myriapod. (too many legs. 20 or 40 legs)
—Physiology Manipulation: Can alter and manipulate their physiology to adapt any insect, myriapod, or arachnid appendage on command, allowing them to use the (proportional) natural weaponry of any insect, myriapod, or arachnid. (Ex: Scorpion tail, Praying mantis claws, Spider silk, Centipede too many legs, Cockroaches' "immortality", Dragonfly wings, etc)
—Seer Of The Swarm: Can see, hear, and smell anything the creatures under their control can.
—Venom Blast: Able to generate, absorb, and manipulate static electricity and bio-electricity, of any kind in any way they can think of. Can absorb and discharge ambient electricity for whatever use they can think of as well.
—Bug For Blood: Able to create any insect/arachnid/myriapod from their own body out of their blood.
—Strength Of The Swarm: Able to use the proportional physical attributes of any insect, myriapod, or arachnid on command. May channel more than one critter.
—Spidey-Sense: they have an indomitable sixth sense that's both automatic and under their control. It's a psychological awareness that warns them of danger before it happens and enhances their reaction timing, kicks in to gain a feel for the surroundings when other senses are out of commission, allows them to predict other people's movements, and even allows them to sense everything in their environment.
(A/N: Fun Fact; the spidey sense is the human version of spiders having 8 eyes along with being sensitive to vibrations.)
—Harbinger Of Hormones: Able to create, perceive, and manipulate hormones any kind, primarily in themselves. This would allow them to control all their biochemicals, Manipulate their own emotions to a degree, control their metabolism, control their entire internal body systems to a degree, etc.
—Appropriate Adaptions: They subconsciously manipulate and alter their physiology to use their own versions of the insect/arachnid/myriapod powers that are deemed disgusting, all-around inappropriate, or unreliable unless naked.
(A/N: Examples:
•instead of stingers of bees growing from behind them and killing them if used, they can shoot stingers from anywhere on their bodies.
•instead of shooting webs out of the ass, they can shoot webs from their wrist or fingers or palms.
•Instead of millipede or centipede antennas growing on top of the head, they could be grown from behind like a prehensile tail.)
—Wall Crawler: can cling to any surface, allowing them to walk on walls, ceilings, and enhance their grip.
—Omega Critter: Able to create, customize, alter, enchant, and manipulate magical and mystical arachnids, insects, and myriapods of their own, realistically speaking.
—Eternal Insect: Any critter under their control becomes temporarily immortal if the user wants. However, this will consume more strength.
—Bio-Boss: Can wield and manipulate their own bio-fields and everything they bring.
—Eye Of The Dragonfly: Has 360 vision on command and can perceive and sense all the phenomena all insects/myriapods/arachnids can see that humans can't. This would allow them to use abilities like magnetoreception, electrolocation, thermal vision, echolocation, electroreception, seeing ultraviolet light, etc.
—Firefly: Can be bioluminescent on command, letting them emit any kind of light from their body when they want.
—Equalizer: Has limitless balance, a superhuman sense of balance, and is able to maintain perfect equilibrium from any position.
—Pheromone Prime: Can create and control pheromones of any kind. They could enhance or diminish emotions, trap others in illusions of any kind, control minds, "mark" territory, influence any biochemicals and hormones in others living creatures, and enhance the mental and physical abilities of others. Unless physical and mental abilities are being enhanced, the effects are always temporary If the targets are mentally or physically stronger, have certain mental disorders, or are in control over their own body or mind. Otherwise, it can be permanent until receiving sudden mental or physical trauma, which will nullify the effects. If used on non-living things, things like corrosion, mold, and melting like acid is possible.
—Swarm Shifter: Able to shape-shift into any critter they desire or turn into a HUGE swarm of any kind or type of "creepy crawlies". As long as one critter survives, the user will too.

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