Frozen Anxieties and Stacks of Dice

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I overanalyze every fricking thing
Thoughts all around my head breaking my brain has broken
I thought I kept my heart chained up and frozen
But my eyes saw his
And my heart started beating again
Anxiety is my bane
His hands in mine, I wish
His hand holds mine, I beg
But these fears fill me with dread
What the fuck is wrong with me
Dear Lord, why do I have such anxiety??

Uno dos tres respirar
Uno dos tres respirar
Uno dos tres respirar

Scared to open the door to my heart
But maybe, just maybe, you're worth giving the keys to
My soul, it screams and yearns for you
They say love is an open door
I just want to be yours
But maybe, like Anna, I'm better off if I keep my heart FROZEN
'Cause I'm not sure if anyone can make me feel chosen
I'm so uncertain, I gotta say maybe thrice
My heart should just freeze up like ice
'Cause love is a game of chance
Can I have a shot at romance
Too scared to make an advance
Lord, I want just a shot at romance
This seems like a game, it's a stack of dice
And a sacrifice
Don't wanna take a risk just to get burned
With butterflies, my heart, it turns
Like lightning strikes, my soul, it yearns
But it's easier not to get burned
When I stay FROZEN
I crave your attention
I feel I'll die without it
(My brain pulled a short circuit)
But that is something that I just can't mention
Don't want to appear desperate
So maybe I should just stay celibate
If I ask for my needs
Would he just leave?

Daddy made me feel unloveable
So, if he couldn't love me,
what man can?
Daddy made me feel unwantable
And if he couldn't want me, what man ever could?
Daddy said I'm just a disappoinment
His words burn so bad, I need a spiritual ointment

I wish my anxieties would shut the fuck up
I realize I need you now
As desperate as I may sound
I wish my anxieties would shut the frick up
I realize I need your ears
As desperate as I am
I wish my anxieties would shut the heck up
I realize I really need you here
I wish my anxieties would shut the Hell up
I realize I need you here
I wish my anxieties would shut the Feck up
I realize I need you here and now
As desperate as that sounds

His voice is so angelic
His smile is so electric
(Like Pikachu
I just wanna choose you)

I wanna tell him every time I see him
Around the lake, let's go for a swim
My worries are so grim
I don't want him to get sick of all my  compliments
My thoughts are all discordant
I fear he will get sick of me
These fears won't let me be

I bet his lips taste sweeter than the honey he puts in his tea
As we walk through the forest, we feel the breeze
As we walk through the woods, we see the trees
I pray, Dear God, let us become we
I bet laying my head on his chest would feel softer than a pillow
Let us walk among the oaks and the willows
I bet my lips on his neck would be sweeter than cookies
Dear Lord, this boy's got me shook
I bet his lips on mine
Would be divine

But I'm too scared to
I could never dare to
ask him to dance
I am much too scared to ask for a chance
Because love is a stack of dice
It's a risk
(If I took a shot with him, might miss)
And a sacrifice

I bet I could sweep him off his feet
I thank God that we got this chance to meet
Wanna ask for his arms around me
Anxiety, please just let me be
I keep thanking God that we could meet
I keep thanking God that we could meet
But I'm too scared to ask for a chance
Nothing I want more than just one dance
One dance could be the start of everything
One dance could be the beginning

But his voice is just too angelic
His smile just so electric
(Like Pikachu
I just wanna choose you)
What could he ever see in me?
The way he plays guitar makes me feel like I'm drowning in a pool of affection
I dream of his lips on mine, it's our souls' connection
The way he hugs me makes my heart smile
Wanna ask him to stay with me a while
The way our eyes meet
Lord, this feels so bittersweet

His love would be my drug
All I want is his hug
His hug like a thousand tiny teddy bears
Does his heart even care?
I want to wrap my arms around his neck
And feel his warm embrace
I'll be at his call and beck
Dear Lord, I'm such a wreck
I'm dying for another taste
I'm not in the right headspace

his voice is just too angelic
His smile is just so electric
(Like Pikachu
I just wanna choose you)
His embrace makes my heart sing
His eyes make my heart grow wings
My soul feels at ease when he is near
Dear Lord, I just want him to be right here
There is a song in my heart and it screams his name
I pray his heart does feel the same
Please do not think I am a game

One two three breathe

My soul, at ease
And mama said good things can't be rushed
And so for now all we're gonna do is talk
He knows just how to make me blush
Yet, so badly, I want to hold his hand and go for a walk
Feel my heart beat
As we walk along the street
I thank God that our souls had this chance to meet

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