Vibrant Rings of Saturn

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He says that his life was already vibrant before he met me,
but now that he knows me, every time we meet, he swears he can see ultraviolet.
He swears God handed me a paintbrush and I helped to add color to his life.

But honestly,
every time I see his smile
His wonderful smile
I feel like I can fly
I feel like I can swim the depths of the ocean
Without needing an oxygen tank
And like I can see all of its beautius wonders
And he would come with me
Because we both love knowledge

Or, we could go to outer space
To an ice cream shoppe on the asteriod belt
Or to sit on a ring of Saturn
I would go anywhere with him
To the edge of the world
To the corners of the universe

His smile make my heart soar
His words make me feel invincible
His words, are a song in my heart that make me dance
I can't control it
I can't help but dance, whenever he is near
My heart is just too happy

He makes life more colorful
He makes life better
He gives me tastes of thankful
Thankful to be alive

I can live with out him
But who would want to?
After having their eyes opened to a taste of color?
To lose him, would be Hell
The burning Hell of a thousand suns
because to have color
And then to lose it
Would it not be worse than to never learn of color at all?

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