Lost Fight

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I had to fight you to love you.

And that's why I lost.

Instead of us fighting the world

You should have held my hand and fought them with me

Every insult

Every dagger

Any excuse

"It won't work because..."

"You guys won't work because..."

We should have fought for our love together.

This whole time, I was fighting you

Trying to prove them wrong

Trying to convince you we belong

But you weren't interested

You didn't care

You care about the stares

And the judgements

Instead of fighting them together

I tried to fight

Your doubts of us

Your insecurities

That's why I lost

How could I not?

When you never gave me a chance?

I fought the world

And I fought you

How could I win?

With the whole world and my love against me?

Now we are broken and shattered

Pieces of us spilled and scattered

Across the world

In different countries

We lie

In bed

Awake in the early hours

Of four a.m.

Wondering what went wrong

Why we're wrong

But I don't think we are

We make sense

And there is light and laughter and love when we're around

But you don't care

You listen to the stares

Of course I lost

How could I win with the whole world and my love against me?

Now we're in pieces on the ground

I wish you would fight to fix this

To call and apologize

To glue us back together

But that's unrealistic

The stuff of the romance dramas that invest too much time in

Wishful thinking

Maybe I'm just holding out hope for the hopeless

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