Before my heart

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Before I knew you

before your car rose over my street

before you met me with flowers on my birthday

Before I snuck up on you and kissed your neck

while you played Call of Duty

before I stroked your freshly showered hair

and in advance of the time I wore your red hoodie

when I inhaled your lovely, enticing scent

before you said, "I love you"

Before you sweetly serenaded me with song

"forever is a long, long time, but I, wouldn't mind spending it by your side"

before you ran your thumb across my hand

when you had not yet said, "Let's go to the movies"

and prior to your hoodie at the bowling alley

before Lady Gaga and "Just Dance"

When I had not yet felt your warm lips by the lakeside

prior to the poking wars on the love seat

and when we laughed in the library

Prior to your basketball shorts on the court

and the frustration of Rainbow Road

Before any of this

oh, back when my heart was my own

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