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Hear my battle cry!

I've walked through Hell

And I still smile

I am a daughter of Christ, my King

I leapt through fire and remained unscathed

For He is with my every step

He hears my cries and my pleas

He wipes my tears

I stand only because of the strength He gives me

With His outstretched hands

He pulls me to my feet

I wear the shield of faith and breastplate of righteousness

The belt of truth

The rod and staff of comfort

Ah, perhaps drugs and alcohol ally the Devil

Perhaps he is given joy through sexual addictions and delights in lies

Perhaps Satan rejoices in theft and coercing families into poverty

In the beating of spouses and the cursing out of children

In deep-seeded gambling addictions

In people selling their children

In secrets born of sin

Perhaps I have wittnessed a great deal of this

My eyes see much

Innocent eyes of children cry painful tears after witnessing horrific atrocities

And they make marks on their skin

Hoping that the pain will turn to the outside

Because to remain on the inside, it is unbearable

Well, dear children

None of this was our fault

We cannot change our pasts

But we can improve the future of others

Through the glory of the Amazing Christ who held our hands through the flames

We walk on with smiles

We dare to smile

After these atrocities

And we bring fear to the Devil

Because he knows we are not his

He sees God with us

And recognizes that we...



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