Mama Kita (🏐)

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Mama Kita coming your way! We got Sick Atsumu/Transgender Atsumu and Caregiver Kita!

Sick : Atsumu
Caregiver : Kita

In this story, Osamu was born male, but Atsumu was born female, they are twins still. Atsumu always wanted to be male when he saw his brother Osamu doing all fun stuff that Atsumu was told he couldn't do because he was a girl.

So Atsumu is currently going through Female to male transitioning, unfortunately he isn't on the Volleyball team, but he's the manager of the boys Volleyball team for now.


Tsumu watched as the team played a practice match against a college team, Atsumu sighed as he really wished he could play too but he was just the manager.

Atsumu was so deep in thought that he didn't notice the stain of red forming on his shorts.

Kita rushed to Atsumu, thankfully he was on the sidelines at this moment and he kneeled down in front of Atsumu.

Kita : '' Atsumu..? ''

He looked down at Kita and his face contorted with pain when he was taken out of his train of thought.

Kita frowned and gently held Atsumu's hand, taking him out of the gym and to the bathroom.

Kita : '' Tsumu sweetie, you started your period.. did you not know it would start today? ''

Atsumu shook his head, tears rolling down his pale face which had fever blotched cheeks. Tsumu gulped as he felt bile rise up his throat.

Atsumu quickly slapped his hand over his mouth and let out a sob of fear, he absolutely hated getting sick.

As much as he wanted his boyfriend Sakusa right now, he knew Sakusa doesn't do well with blood and sickness.

Kita quickly got Atsumu to the bathroom and helped him to one of the stalls where Atsumu started violently vomiting into the toilet bowl, his stomach cramping every time he heaved.

Kita rubbed Tsumu's back.

Kita : '' Want me to call Sakusa? ''

He asks, Tsumu shook his head as he continued to heave up vomit into the toilet.

Kita nods, understanding the situation. He kneeled down beside Atsumu and kept rubbing his back, holding his hair back too so it wouldn't get dirty.

Osamu rushed into the bathroom holding a bag in his hands.

Osamu : '' K-Kita! I got the supplies! Oh jeez... he's never had it this bad before. ''

Osamu came over to them and placed the bag down, frowning at his brother who was currently still vomiting into the toilet.

Kita : '' He hasn't? Oh my... Atsumu, we're you expecting your period today? ''

Atsumu finally caught a break from his constant vomiting and he buried his face onto Kita's chest, his body shaking as he let out loud sobs.

Osamu : '' I don't think he was... he's been very irregular lately due to the transitioning, he's vomited before, but not this bad.. ''

Osamu frowns in worry, Atsumu looks at Kita with tears in his eyes, the poor boys mouth was dirty with vomit and he was very pale.

Osamu : '' I think he might regress to a younger headspace, I do have diapers in here, he might need one.. ''

Kita nods. Kita flushed the toilet before putting the seat down and gently placing Atsumu on the toilet seat.

Kita : '' Tsumu sweetie, you think you can change yourself? ''

Tsumu just cried and sobbed. Kita frowned at the response. Kita and Osamu gently helped the poor boy get changed out of his clothes and into a diaper and new clothes.

Osamu : '' There we go little one. Unfortunately we've still got a few more hours of practice, you think you'll be okay? ''

Kita : '' I can take him to my place. I'm on the bench anyway, I just don't think he'll be able to stay like this..''

Osamu agreed, Osamu went back to practice and Kita carried Atsumu to his car and buckled Atsumu in the back seat.

Atsumu : '' M-Mama Kita... 'm sorry..''

Atsumu mumbled with his thumb in his mouth. Kita ruffles Atsumu's hair.

Kita : '' No need to apologise to me little man, you can't help it, I'll always be here to take care of you, don't you worry. ''

Kita got in the driver's seat and drove to his house, once Kita got there he carried a sleepy Atsumu inside the house.

Atsumu was clinging onto Kita, he whines softly as his stomach started to cramp once more sending a wave of nausea through him.

Atsumu : '' M-Ma... ''

Kita looked at Atsumu, his smile dropped when he saw how pale Atsumu was and he rushed Tsumu to the bathroom.

Kita placed him down in front of the toilet and opened the lid, Atsumu started to vomit once again, his body shaking with every heave.

Atsumu let out a loud sob as he gripped Kita's hand for support.

Kita : '' It's okay little man, just let it out. Mama Kita is right here to help you okay? ''

Kita kisses the back of Atsumu's neck in a caring motherly way of affection to help the boy calm down.

Atsumu finally stopped getting sick, his body finally giving him a break from being sick and now he was taken over by fatigue.

Atsumu fell into Kita's arms and cried softly. Kita played with his hair and took Atsumu to the bedroom and placed him on the bed.

Kita : '' Rest little one..''


Later Atsumu woke up, he felt smaller and just felt so much more sick. He cried out loudly as he squirmed around in the bed.

Kita rushed to the bedroom and went to Atsumu.

Kita : '' Hey little man, sshh I'm right here. Mama Kita is here. What's wrong? ''

He asks, gently carrying Atsumu in his arms and playing with his hair softly. Atsumu just kept crying, squirming in Kita's arms.

Kita frowns and just keeps shushing Atsumu and playing with his hair, he carried Atsumu to the kitchen where he had prepared a light meal for him.

Kita placed Atsumu on a chair and kissed his forehead.

Kita : '' Sshh sweetie, let's get some food in your hurting tummy yeah? I bet your hungry, and then I can give you some medicine. ''

Atsumu sniffled and nodded softly, rubbing his eyes.

Atsumu : '' O-Otay Ma...''

Kita smiles.

Kita : '' Your so little right now huh baby? ''

Atsumu giggles and babbles softly, clapping his hands. Kita fed Atsumu slowly and thankfully Atsumu was able to keep the food down.

After a while, Atsumu pushed the spoon away as he felt too yucky to eat anymore. Kita smiles and ruffles his hair.

Kita : '' Good boy, you did so well. ''

He says as he then gave Atsumu a drink of water with the medicine in it.

Kita : '' Alright baby, time for bed again. ''

Atsumu nods and rubs his eyes, making grabby hands to Kita. Kita chuckled and carried Atsumu to the bedroom and placed him in bed.

Kita was clinged onto by Atsumu, so Kita laid down with Atsumu and cuddled him.


The end!

1150 words

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