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Hours later the class finally came to an end with us submitting the tests Anika or more like Pretty face assigned to us after the introductory period.
After listening to different songs of HONORS, I finally felt better but I kept my headphones plugged in so I could just stay to myself and answer no questions as long as I could.
Not that I cared but yeah I couldn't stop myself from undressing Anika in my head and that was that so why not let the imaginations run wild while they could.
Just as I leaned back to get some proper rest for the first time in the past two days, a paper appeared in my line of sight and I slightly looked up to see Anika standing in front of me looking all sexy and shit.
'I want to bury my cock in you and ram you till you shaking begging hysterically for a release on my dick.'
I thought as I eyed her outfit from top to bottom and reverse for the third time this day.
She placed the paper in front of ne and made her way to other students placing the papers on the tables for the students.
I took the paper and looked at the questions on it and briefly grinned because I just knew that when I'm done writing mine and turn it in then dear Anika will be wet as a pool once she's done reading.
1. Define Literature on your own terms.
2. Write your wildest imagination as of right now.

Two simple questions right? It was quite easy alright and I immediately got down to work as I heard she's collecting the papers after her class and I calmly got started on my work before it happened to be time to hand them in.
I know people say literature is a part or branch of art that is essential in expressing what you imagine and is just filled with creativity and expression but I think it can be anything you want it to be.
You desire something? Then write about it, you fantasize something? Write about it, you want to express something? Write about it.
Its broader than expression and creativity, it can be anything you want it to be, it could be information you want to share with the world, it could be your darkest inner thoughts etched deep in your memory like a mark that won't come out.
It doesn't just sit a box of words and syllables.
After giving her my definition of what I think Literature is then I went to the next question and skillfully wrote the things in my mind down for her and the things in my mind were definitely lustful but I had no problems with it.

AN: Do listen to My Mind by Honors while reading this.

After answering the questions I noticed that her period was over and students were turning in their work for the day and I slowly but surely rose to my feet and walked to her table placing the sheets with the stacked others before walking out.

Walking out I immediately disappeared from the school but I was still there just not where others are supposed to be but hey I wasn't complaining.

(Hours later)
Standing next to a tree and smoking another roll of blunt because I can't remember what number this one happens to be. I heard one of the entrance sliding doors open and Anika walked out, the woman was in a hurry and I had a thought on just what would have happened to make her be in such a hurry to leave but then again I didn't think she would read mine yet then again I was the last person to turn in my work so I guess it's expected.
I smirked as I watched her get in her car but to my surprise she didn't drive off and just a few seconds later a nerdy hot looking student, I think she's Rain? Rayner? Yeah Rayne.
She walked to the car and discretely got in, as much as I wanted to see what they were doing I couldn't because Anika just decided to take her tinted car but about thirty minutes later she stepped out of the car with her lipstick smeared, after sex hair, a bit crumpled clothes and a few marks here and there.
Damn she really did a number on her but really she looked hot with the tiny pleated skirt, tight shirt showcasing her cleavage and high knee shocks.
Before I could say another word Anika abruptly appeared out of the car walking round and grabbing Rayne gently pressing her gently against her car.
She smashed her lips on Rayne's engaging them in a heated make out session while her hands roamed everywhere on the girls body before she inserted her finger in her pussy and fingering her roughly while still devouring her lips.
Not wasting another minute Anika pulled her back door open and the two of them got in ending my show.
Ugh!! I was planning on enjoying that.
But darn first off I know I wrote a good piece but I didn't know it was that good to make her react that way or am I supposed to take all the credit?
That I don't know but hell I'd be kidding if I say I'm not aroused from what I just saw.
I was still learning against the tree when I saw Stacy's car pull up and I had a sly smirk on my lips thinking of the scene we Gon do tonight because fuck knows I need a release ASAP.
I walked to the car and got in easily while she on the other hand flashed me a seductive smile.
She drove off and before Anika's car went completely out of my eyesight I noticed Rayne getting out of the car fully clothed it was almost as if nothing happened but I know better or don't I?
I'm leaving those thoughts out and focusing on Stacy sitting right next to me.

She drove off and before Anika's car went completely out of my eyesight I noticed Rayne getting out of the car fully clothed it was almost as if nothing happened but I know better or don't I? I'm leaving those thoughts out and focusing on Stacy si...

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Stacy's car.

"How was your day at the company? Did you visit the hospital and orphanage?"
I asked her starting a conversation between us because her look told me she was thinking of something nasty in that head of hers and I couldn't wait to spend the night with her and only her which means no Anika in my thoughts for tonight and a very long time but before that can happen I gotta make sure I can erase her completely from my thoughts when I'm with Stacy.
"Hey. What's got you all wound up?" Stacy asked me interrupting my thoughts but was fine.
I smirked as I thought of all the things I'm gonna do to her later on.

'. '. '.
Sorry for the late update, it took me a week plus to write this chapter and my head's been a mess due to school and all and also exams start next week.
Yay. Hope y'all detected the sarcasm in there °>°

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