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I noticed a change in Tasha's behavior yesterday and I thought I was the only one who noticed but luckily Nika noticed as well and is handling the situation well enough for now, I have a slight idea on what could be eating her up so much deep inside but of course I am not sure , for all I know my speculation could be wrong at the end which is why I don't necessarily want to bug her by asking so many questions or being more nosy than usual, I'm sure when she's ready to talk she'd talk to either me or Nika about it or maybe she might just tell the two of us.
Anika led us out of the building as we headed to one of her cars which was parked outside the mansion like it had already been pre planned. She took the liberty to open no the door for us and we entered much to our displeasures before she entered herself, started the engine and drove off. The entire ride was quiet which was good because it gave Nika time to think I'm guessing she drove half heartedly.
30 minutes later.
After half an hour of driving we finally got to the destination. Anika parked the car turning off the engine and alighting the vehicle with us following her before she locked the vehicle heading into the establishment. She held their hands as she dragged us in telling us but most especially Talya to try be cheerful even though it was just a little.
We headed in, from the outside the place looked completely dead and uninteresting but as we kept walking in I tried to keep an open mind and indeed it was starting to prove worthy.
We walked towards a small creak at the front barely visible to anyone who didn't know of it and Nika put her fingerprint on the small panel set as it scanned her thumb and turned green.
"Welcome Boss." The voice said as the door pushed open like in some of those superhero movies but I got one knew Nika was no hero. In all honesty if I was to give an orientation then I'd say she was the polar opposite but of course she's a sexy villain and our hero (the hero part is still to be decided depending on her decision).
We walked in after being scanned and as we walked further into the facility it started looking like the facility of the shadowhunters from the shadowhunters series which was Tasha's fav series, I wasn't exactly a huge fan of the series but it was a nice escape I admit and Izzy was so hot.
Just saying.

(A/N; We all remember Magnus and Alec don't we?😏)
Third person's pov
"Benvenuto capo." (Welcome boss) Leilani said as the young woman walked up to Nika with a charming smile on her facewhich faded as she came to a halt, she looked freshly made by the Greek goddess's and next to Nika they'd make a beautiful pair but just saying of course.
The twins stood at attention in respect or more like attempted intimidation as Leilani awaited Nika's response.
"Grazie Leilani." (Thankyou) Nika said as she took a moment to visually inspect her building.

"Finora hai fatto un buon lavoro Leilani, E ti apprezzo per aver mantenuto questa struttura, prendendotene cura in mia assenza." Anika commended the woman who just gave a light smile.
(So far you've done a good job Leilani and I appreciate you for keeping this facility,taking care of it in my absence.)
"Non c'è bisogno di ringraziarmi bos." (No need to thank me boss, just doing my job. Leilani said while Anika gave the woman a soft smile while the twins looked at the two women suspiciously.
"Thankyou for that and I think that will be all for now I need to have a chat with two people." Nika said as she excused herself and the twins to go seat someplace somewhat quiet and have a chat as she already knew they were suspicious. She could sniff it already and she had to clear the air before the whole situation escalated.
At the side Nika decided they should take a drive so she could explain everything to them and she didn't exactly feel comfortable sharing almost half her life in an institution that was not too busy but not empty either, anyone could hear so she told them to follow her back to the car they entered the car and she revved the car engine on speeding off the road to a more quiet environment. After a while of driving they got to a quiet restaurant at the middle of nowhere really and while the twins were thinking of how sketchy the place was Nika couldn't care less after all the person who owned the place was a friend of hers and they went way back to her college so she had nothing to worry about.
"Come on in you have nothing to worry about, just trust me. Please." Nika pleaded with them and of course they couldn't resist so they went in with her.
"There she is Maria Come stai? È passato il tempo più lungo." She said as she saw the redhead who looked beautiful and slim but a bit aged but she still slayed nonetheless.
(How are you doing it's been the longest time.)
"Ah Nika amico mio in effetti è stato il tempo più lungo come stai?" She asked as she approached them and pulled Anika into a hug squishing her.
(Ah Nika my friend indeed it has been the longest time how are you?)
"Sto bene Grazie, possiamo chiacchierare un po' più tardi per favore ho un problema urgente da discutere ora prima di essere mangiato da uno di questi due."
(I'm fine Thankyou, can we chat a bit later please I have a pressing issue to discuss now before I get eaten by one of these two). Nika begged as she gestured towards the twins as the people who'd bite her head off.
"Certo che va bene, vai a fare le tue cose, va bene, porterei i menu tra poco, quindi non posso ottenere quello che vuoi." The woman said and left to get the menus.
(Of course that's fine go do your thing okay I'd bring in the menus in a few so I can't get what you want).
"Let's sit down and I'd tell you everything that went on between me and Leilani." Nika said and they sat down patiently waiting."
You see it's not their fault that they felt something fishy was going on,after all it's not everytime you see Anika smiling at someone or even appreciating them for literally doing their job but what the women didn't know and might never know but they we're in the process of knowing is that Leilani and Anika went way back to when she was still in high school, she was the woman's first crush and things were going well until things weren't so fine with Leilani when she got addicted to drugs and when the word drugs is written it's not just cocaine but other drugs as well such as heroine,pills etc.
At the influence of the drugs Leilani became more abusive,threatening Nika and abusing her even turning sex to rape at some point but the woman never gave up on her friend because before they started dating they were friends first and she never gave up on their bond. Along the line they lost contact after Nika had tried severally to put her in rehab she always escaped but when Nika had barely any hope left for her friend but Leilani had a memory reset when her parents died in a car accident when they were on their way back from a business trip. When Anika got the news she was high but when she was low on drugs and needed money to pay for more she saw that she didn't have enough cash in her account, she had exhausted everything on drugs.
She called her parents but they weren't picking up so she called the office and she was passed the message from her dad's secretary that her parents were no more. She couldn't believe that the people she just talked to less than a week ago were no more.
She quickly got dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie before she rushed to her car starting the engine and speeding off to the office where she met with her parents workers and they confirmed that they had passed her the message immediately it happened but she just passed it as a minimal information. As they were talking she seemed to evolve to a different place as she was just hearing voices in her head and not what they were saying to her because she wasn't processing anything anymore, she just left the place mindlessly the office making her way to her car as she tried to come to terms with the fact that her parents were no more for more than three days and she didn't notice because she had her head in the clouds all because of crack and the only thing that made her need them was the money they pumped her with.
She felt ashamed of herself and she felt she had wronged her parents. She started the car and drove not knowing where she was going to but at the end of the day she found herself outside Anika's parents mansion, she didn't know why she ended up there but knowing Anika was the only real person she could trust to see her in the state she was gave her courage to go ahead. She didn't have a problem with the guards letting her in because they remembered she was Anika's close friend so she passed with no problems and when she parked in front of the entrance she got out of the car walking to the front of the door and ringing the doorbell. As she walked up the stairs she thought back to all the wrongs she did Anika and she couldn't help feeling bad for every shameful thing she did the young girl, she just hoped Anika won't send her away as soon as she sees her face because apart from Nika she had no one else who knew her as well as Nika did.
The maid came to get the door after a few seconds welcoming her and telling her she'd take her to where Nika was. Leilani nodded following after the woman as they made their way to where Leilani remembered as Anika's room. The maid knocked on the room door receiving a 'come in' from Anika to which she did go in greeting Nika and informing her that she had a visitor, after that she widened the door letting Nika see who it was. At the sight of her friend and ex lover Anika's eyes widened as she didn't expect to see Leilani in her house talk less of her room. She was stunned but she was glad the young woman was okay as she had been trying to contact her since she saw the news that her parents were involved in an accident and unfortunately passed away she had been worried trying to reach the woman but she wasn't picking making Nika more on edge than she was before.
Anika thanked the maid and rushed to Leilani surprising the young girl as she wrapped her arms round her neck engulfing her in her scent which she had missed, to be frankly speaking Leilani expected everything but a hug though she accepted it and took it anyway as it was what she needed to finally break down. Nika clutched hard onto her lover as she let her pour out all the pent up feelings she had in her chest laying it all on her shoulders as buckets of tears. After an hour of being in each others embrace Leilani finally let go of Anika as she smiled at the woman, she looked like she had a lot to say with no idea how to start but with the encouraging look she was getting from the woman she loved she knew Anika deserved to know what went on, an explanation at the very least."
"I feel so ashamed of myself and I feel like I've left everyone down...You, my parents, everyone including myself and I don't know if I should be counting myself as one of the people I let down but I don't know how to feel at this point and when I was driving here I didn't know where I was going at first, I just entered the car and started driving not knowing where I was going to but when I was halfway here I recognized the familiar road and it finally clicked in my head that I was coming here.
In all honesty I didn't know what to expect because I've hurt you so so much and I didn't know how to begin but I just came not minding and accepting whatever punishment you'd feel is best for me." Leilani said genuinely while Anika looked at her lover tenderly taking her hands in hers and staring deep into her soul.
"I'm not gonna punish you, I'm not the higher power so let's leave the punishments and tough decisions to the all mighty above and not take laws into our hands. I'm just happy to see you because I have been worried sick about you calling your phone several times but you weren't picking up I thought the worst had happened to you." Anika said as she faced the young woman who had her head down and covered in shame for reasons the slightly younger lady had no idea of.
"Nika..." Leilani said with a pause as she contemplated if she should say what she wanted to say while Anika encouraged her by probing her further.
"What is it Lei? You can talk to me you know, it never stopped being that way so please share what you're thinking." Her words were enough encouragement for the young girl to continue what she was saying though she felt ashamed of herself but still she felt Nika knew her long enough and won't judge her.
"When my parents died, I was told... But I didn't believe it because I was high as a kite when I was told and I doubted the news and went on partying with myself with you know who and the only reason why I even realized there were gone was that I realized I was out of drugs and I immediately went to order one but I saw I was out of cash and needed a refill. After calling them a few times and they didn't pick up I decided to call the office and I was informed once again of the incident which is what made me remember that an information like that was passed to me but I totally forgot about it because I merely thought I was in a bad dream hallucinating about the possibilities in my mind when it had already happened in reality and when I was to step up for them I didn't.
I can't look at myself in the mirror and the guilt is eating me up so fast it feels like I'm hollow with no way to fill the space in me." Leilani explained to Nika as slid to the floor covering her tear stained face with her hands while Anika who couldn't bear to see her lover in so much misery without doing anything to help wrapped her hands around the young girl pulling her into a hug as Leilani cried her heart out on Nika's shoulder.
After a while of crying Leilani finally got herself back together and wiped her tear stained face while Nika just admired the love of her life. " You look so stunning even when you cry you know that?" Nika said while Leilani smiled.
"You manage to make me smile effortlessly even when everything feels like shit and after my parents you're the only one who hasn't given up on me despite everything I did to you which I feel so ashamed of, I'm so sorry Anika." Leilani apologized as she lowered her head in shame, her shoulders hanging low as she awaited Anika's response which came faster than she expected. She expected Anika not to forgive her as a whole but the girl surprised her by crushing her in a bear hug and giving her a peck on her cheeks which quickly turned red as she raised her head to look at her lover with surprise written all over her face.
"I forgive you for everything and don't ever think I will give up on you that easy because I won't." Nika confirmed her surprise as she said those words but it warmed the younger girl's heart because Anika stayed true to her words even when she wasn't vocal about it.
"Thankyou Nika I really appreciate it I swear and I will try my best to be better than I was no matter how hard it might be." Leilani said and this time she knew deep down she wasn't fucking with anybody not even herself.
"Enough of the sentimental bullshit, we have two funerals to plan so the earlier we get started with it the better." Anika said as she proceeded to stand up and go get dressed while Leilani remained rooted to her spot in shock, the girl just kept surprising her one at a time.
When she drove all the way to her house she just wanted to apologize and have a shoulder to lean on but Anika gave her more than that, she gave her assurance, forgiveness, more than a shoulder to lean on, a kiss on the cheek, a smile and also a helping hand all of which meant more to the younger girl than the older girl will ever know. She couldn't stop the smile that spread across her features as soon as she let everything sink in.
(A/N; Play Turning tables and Hello by Adele)
Later that day.
After getting dressed and coming back out all dressed and ready to move the two young girls left Anika's parents house heading to the office and then later the morgue to get everything ready for the funeral ceremony of Leilani's parents.
When they got to the morgue seeing her parents covered in white clothes from head to toe made her scared and when she pulled the covers off them seeing them so pale and lifeless broke something in Leilani and she didn't know when she was wailing to her hearts content clinging to her parents as she let it all out of her chest but unknown to her it'd take more than just tears to fill the hole that had been opened deep in her soul.
She tried her best to struggle free from Anika's grip when the older girl wrapped her hands around her to stop her from touching the bodies but after watching her lover struggle for so long without getting tired or showing any signs of giving up she released her gently so she could have her closure with them because deep down she knew Leilani needed it and it might take a while for her to forgive her own self but she might not be able to live with herself if she didn't pay them their last respects.
After letting her go Anika made her way out of the morgue to give Leilani some time alone and when she was done she knew she'd come meet her so she stayed close so Leilani wouldn't have a hard time trying to look for her.

Hey everyone sorry I disappeared again but I've apologized on too many times at this point. On a brighter note I've been editing this chapter and I made it longer, also tweaked a few things here and there but all in all please enjoy the chapter and tell me what you think another one will be released soon enough.

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