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Natalya's bathroom in MM


I walked into Talya's room and found her busy in her closet arranging guns there for some darn reason I do not want to know at the moment when she informed me that Nika just arrived a few minutes ago and I am surprised to say the least that I didn't see her on my way here but I mean its Nika were talking about, the woman is basically a ghost unless she decides to be found and when she doesn't want to be found she goes to stealth mode which really doesn't surprise me after all my sister and I possess that unique feature as well but she is more into it than me seeing as she deals with the gore more than everything but she also deals with most of the documents but back to the topic on board right now. ''If she's here then why the fuck are you arranging darn guns like nothing is going on?'' I asked in shock as she briefly glanced at me before scoffing and going on with what she was doing. After a good few minutes of perfectly acting mute Natalya looked at me. ''Why should I make any attempt to leave what I'm doing hm? You heard what she said so just because she came back doesn't mean anything, I mean for all we know she could just be here to get her things before going right ahead to acting like we don't exist after all we did just confess our feelings and then outrightly act like we controlled her darn life and choice just a few hours later and she hadn't even given us a proper response yet, in my opinion that screams desperate much.''

I mean what Tayla said actually makes sense and is logical but still a part of me just doesn't want to let go of the whole thing and just wants to jump everything and go right to the part where we can be held, loved and cherished by the one woman who stole our hearts.

''What you said does make sense but I just want to live in my make belief sometimes and its not idle but since that's your conclusion then maybe we'd go with it till she comes around.'' I exhaled and turned round to walk out of the room while Natalya said nothing and kept doing what she was doing. I walked back to my room to have a nap and try get my thoughts off things but even after a solid hour I still couldn't achieve anything and just kept twisting and turning like I had darn heat rashes on my body, talk bout restless much. 

My curiosity to check if Nika just left without saying anything was killing me and there was nothing I could do about it much to my dissatisfaction and lack of sleep but still I willed myself to turn around just one more time and try get a more comfortable position.

I was still so focused on my quest for sleep when I felt arms around me making me stop thinking for a moment while I grabbed the fingers tightly but the person easily slipped her fingers out and just when I wanted to attack I perceived Nika's scent and turned to see the main character of my dreams laying in bed with me? 

She lay there quietly with her arms round me as she peacefully breathed in and out equally making me calm down along with her and just when I thought she fell asleep she spoke.

''I know I came off in the wrong way and offended you and Talya but I am sorry for all that and how I acted to you when you said you were interested in me but what I am not sorry for is fucking my ex in my office, I just got out of a relationship where I thought I was moving on, I won't just come all the way to Russia from Italy and then be thinking of jumping into something fresh and new with not one but two beauties because I think they are my spec and convincing myself that the best way to get over someone is getting under someone else which I royally flopped by the way by what you two saw on my body which was enough evidence of what happened the day before.'' 

''You know you are not helping your case right now right?'' I asked her after interrupting her which just made her scoff.

''I am not trying to help my case, I am tryna explain why I behaved the way I did and give you an indepth of the situation so you know just what the fuck you are getting yourself into so do me a favor and do not interrupt me again until I am done okay? Good?

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