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I woke up to find the spot next to me empty which made me groan in frustration as I remembered back when I used to wake up to Nika laying peacefully next to me except when she was on business trips or I was away on trips. Sigh, the good ol days.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom to freshen up before changing into Nika's clothes and walking back to her office to find her at the door in new clothes which didn't  do complete justice in complementing her figure but she looked good all the same with hickeys on her neck and I'm pretty sure her back was well taken care of.

 Note the sarcasm.

''Good morning.'' I greeted as she offered me a slight nod lost in what she was doing on her phone so I decided to try again.

''I didn't wake up to you...kinda brought back memories you know.'' I tried again attempting to make a conversation but Anika's expressionless face told me I just hit the wrong spot.

''I didn't sleep here last night.'' She replied nonchalantly before she walked out of her office again without sparing me another glance which made me wanna sit my ass on the floor and bawl my eyes out while beating myself up for all my mistakes but instead I walked out after her grabbing my car keys on the way and heading for the entrance of the building.

When I got to the ground floor I found Anika standing there with two stunning women who shared very similar features and both were slightly taller than Nika and that came as a slight surprise because Nika is a tall woman, even taller than me by a little but seeing them towering her made me feel things I wouldn't like to disclose and I ultimately just wanted to hide her in my bedroom for me alone. They were in a heated argument and when Anika turned around in her heels to walk away, the pale red haired woman roughly grabbed her turning her around and pulling her close, to close in my opinion but what happened next left me clenching.

The red haired leaned in towards Nika capturing her lips and taking her time french kissing her. Wow.

They kissed until they ran out of breath and Nika barely got a second to breathe before the ink blackhaired woman wrapped her hand around Anika's neck pulling her in and dominating her while they were still completely unaware of my presence or maybe they were but didn't care enough to acknowledge it. When they finally pulled away, one of them glared at Anika while the other spoke.

''So you leave the mansion and come here, work the whole day, don't bother to come home and have fun as it looks to me after taking a long look at you neck and you even show it off walking around with no care in the world after we informed you of our feelings. Now tell me have we been too lenient or do you think you can just play with us however you like hm?'' Anika gritted her teeth as she remained unfazed by what they were saying to her.

''Last I remember I am the boss of me and whatever I do with my time and what I decide to do, wear and all is in my own jurisdiction not yours and just because you finally told me of you feelings to me yesterday does not mean I will just drop everything and deny my darn self satisfaction to placate your egos so suck it up and get a grip. The 'home' you're talking about Natalya is your home not mine, also get that fact straight you two I have things to do and next time you're coming do call.''

She said and walked away as I stepped out of where I was standing and walked back to her office, I needed to get some things straight if I was still gonna go on with the whole plan I had.

I barged into Nika's office to find her leaning over studying the documents littered across her desk as she looked so focused I almost considered leaving her for the main time and asking her my questions later on. Almost.

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