1. it's okay

11K 112 13

𝐀𝐆𝐄 : 14

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 : 1 9 7 1

𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: self harm and eating disorder mention


scarlett's pov:

I am currently in the kitchen right now cooking some dinner for myself and Y/n, I've noticed her behaviour changing a lot recently and I want to get down to the bottom of it.

I know she's 14 and she's not a little baby anymore, buts she's still my little baby girl who I will always look out for and take care of, making sure she eats right and is okay overall with everything.

She's had so many problems in the past, when she was 13, she fell into an eating disorder. Started to self harm and wasn't in a very good mindset. Thankfully she's recovering now but some days are a lot harder than others.

"Y/n, babe. Dinner's ready" I said knocking on Y/n's bedroom door, i waited a few minutes for an answer and after calling again and still not receiving one, I took the opportunity to walk into her room.

I slowly open her door hoping she wasn't getting changed or anything and popped my head round, my eyes scanned the room until I found her in the corner of her bedroom asleep laying on her beanbag with my blanket from my bed draped over her shoulders.

I smile to myself, shutting the door behind me and slowly walking towards Y/n. I bent down in front of her and slowly removed the blanket from her placing it over my lap. I lifted her head up gently with my palm as she was sleeping with it tilted resting on nothing so I didn't want her neck to be sore when she woke up.

"Y/n" I sang quietly stroking a strand of her hair and tucking it behind her ear. I chuckled to myself when she didn't respond and I just had to keep repeating her name until she jerked up awake sitting up right

"Mum?" She mumbled clearly still half asleep while rubbing her eyes gently, i smiled warmly and took her hands away from her face holding them in my hands

"It's me bubba, dinners ready" I say softly making her groan throwing her head back. I smile to her again and rose to my feet holding the blanket in my hands

"Mine" She whined like a baby tugging on the blanket, i turned my head with a raised eyebrow and saw her sitting there with a pout on her face, i sighed dramatically and threw the blanket over her head making her giggle.

"Let's go" I said extending my hand, she scrambles to her feet and holds my hand tightly adjusting the blanket over her. I lead her out the room bringing her downstairs, i let her wander to the dining room as i finishing dishing up our food.

I carefully bring our dinner into the dining room and watch as Y/n gets all snuggled up underneath my/her blanket and lean back on the chair. I place both our plates down and watch carefully as Y/n's face grows into a panicked state.

"Mama" She whimpers looking up at me fearfully, I frown at her feeling awful at the state that she was in, but she's only getting better, she was moving onto larger foods now.

"Mum I don't want it" She whispered pushing the plate away, i sadly looked at her as her eyes filled with tears and her head dropped. I stood up, pushing my plate beside hers and moving round the table to sit beside her

"It's okay, mama's here. I'm going to help you Y/n" I cooed softly bringing my hand up to the back of her hair and stroking it softly. She shook her head bringing her knees up to her chest and placing her head on them.

"Honey, I know it's one of your biggest fear foods but we've got to do it, to help you" I said gently now rubbing my hand up and down her back, she only sniffles keeping her head down.

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