23. you're ten, not three

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𝐀𝐆𝐄 : 10

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 : 1 7 4 7



Scarlett's pov:
Having a ten year old who has recently reached her double digits would be fun, i hear. I never expected so many meltdowns or tantrums if you could even call them that because she's not a small toddler anymore so I don't know if I can use that word anymore but Y/n is a piece of work.

I love how clingy she is and how's she's not like others who are growing up an spending all day in their rooms but she can be a handful, especially when she's sat on my foot with her arms wrapped around my leg like a baby. I tried shaking her off but all she does it hold onto me tighter and push her face into leg

"Please get off, before I respectfully kick you out this kitchen" i say joking, kicking my leg. Y/n giggled clearly still finding this funny and shaking her head. I sigh leaving her alone and finish cooking the rest of our dinner for the night.

"Right up, now. I'm going to fall over and spill this everywhere Y/n" i say finally having enough of her little game, she ignores me resting her head on my thigh and looking about the kitchen

"Enough now" I say sternly bending down and lifting her off my leg, she squirms about whining shaking her arms but I'm stronger and manage to get her off placing her on her own feet in front of me

"Wanna be with you" she pouts opening her arms and wrapping them around my waist and pushing her face tightly into my chest. I sigh not knowing what to do because I don't want to get angry at her for wanting to be around me but it's getting slightly annoying that she always has to be touching me

"I want to be with you too, but Y/n. Give me a moment" I say shaking her off me and walking away placing the bowls and plates on the table along with the needed cutlery. I turn around finding the kitchen empty, i sigh with relief, I guess. I love Y/n but she does not understand personal space and right now I need some of that.

After setting the remainders out, I go on my search to find my daughter who could be gods knows where. I check the first place which is the kitchen and to my luck she's in there, but she's eating something

"What do you think your eating" I say scaring her, not intentionally but she still jumped. She whipped her head around to face me and shoved whatever she had behind her back and shaking her head swallowing whatever she was eating

"Nothing mama" She smiles playing her innocent little role, I knew she had something. I wasn't stupid so I walk over to her watching her shrink into the sofa and hold out my hand for her to pass it into

"Give it, now. I'm not playing, I've just made dinner and your not stuffing your face before that" I said sternly moving my fingers waiting for her to hand it over, she smiles again shrugging her shoulders

"I haven't got anything silly" she giggled using her extra high pitched voice which is a give away that she's doing something wrong because she never uses that voice unless she's trying to hide something and she has many voices.

"Pass it over, before I have to take it from you" I say one more time, she obviously lies again telling me she has nothing so that leaves me with having to get it myself. I reach forward wrapping my arms around her and trying to take away what was in her hands, i touched it and felt heard rustling but she was too quick for me with the way that's she was squirming about

"Stop it right now, give me it Y/n!" I shout fighting against her and ignoring the whines and screeches coming from her, I continue my mission and finally retrieve what she was hiding which was a cadburys chocolate bar.

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