13. you hate me

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𝐀𝐆𝐄 : 14

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 : 1 8 6 4

𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : arguing


scarlett's pov

This past month has been a hectic, so much has happened. I've been working so much more recently, my current project that i'm working on is so close to being wrapped up and i can't wait for them to finish. I love my job, so much, but i love my daughter more and she will always come first.

I've been working so much that i've not spent as much time with her as i would and it's been having an effect of the both of us. I leave so early in the morning that she's still asleep and most the time when i come back, she's asleep again due to her exhausting school day.

I've managed to get myself two weeks off and i intend to spend these two weeks with my daughter. I smiled happily to myself while brushing my teeth because i was excited to tell Y/n that she wasn't going to go to school today.

After wrapping my dressing gown around my body, i slipped out my room and quickly made my way down to Y/n's hoping she wasn't already awake. I opened her door slowly popping my head around and seeing Y/n sleeping, cuddled up to her blanket facing the door so i could see her face.

i close her door softly walking over to her bed and sitting on it beside her, her face crumpled, clearly knowing i was here and a small whine slipped past her lips. I brought my hand up, resting it on her chest and rubbing my thumb gently over her cheek bone

"Mm, mama" She mumbled to herself, still sleeping and shifting about as she ended up turning over to the other side, now her back was to me.

"Mama's here sweetheart, open your eyes honey" I cooed leaning over and running my finger down the bridge of her nose. Her nose wrinkled as she twitch her face, i moved my hand to rubbing her back.

"Am i late for school" Y/n mumbles turning over to me and opening her eyes, locking hers with mine. I laugh to myself shaking my head and rubbing her tummy before she moves to sit herself up.

"i'm keeping you off for the next two weeks" I said with a smile placing my hand on her thigh, her eyes widen slightly then confusion runs over her face as she tries to think for answers

"Why" She simply says, i roll my eyes playfully but she just stares at me wanting an answer. I sighed scooting closer to her

"I've been working more recently, and, well.... i guess we've not been spending that much time together so i thought it would be a good idea" I explain

"ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU WORK SO MUCH!!" Y/n screams scrambling out of her bed and running out the room, i freeze trying to understand what just happened before letting my legs walk me out her room and follow her

"Listen to me! I didn't say it was anyone's fault young lady, i'm doing us a favour don't you dare scream at me like that again" I scold pointing my finger to the little girl sitting on the sofa

"FUCK OFF" She screams again standing back up and getting ready to run out again but i'm quick to grab her arm pulling her back to me

"What is wrong with you today, who do you think you are young lady!" I shout back gripping her arm so she couldn't run again, she looked at me with her eyes burning with anger

"Your daughter" She sasses shaking her head at me. She raised my eyebrow putting on my mom face as Y/n called it, expecting to intimidate her but nothing changed

"I have no idea who you think your are, but i'm your mother and you should never disrespect me like that again" I said sternly

"ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU HATE ME" She screams again pulling her hand out of my grip and running away upstairs. I let put a shaky breath trying to ignore the fact that my eyes are currently filling up with tears, after hearing Y/n's door slam. I let myself sit down on the sofa on my shaking legs and bury my head in my hands letting the tears fall.

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