36. it felt so real

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𝐀𝐆𝐄 : 12

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 : 1 8 4 3

𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : nightmare, talk of death, vormir talk


y/n's pov
"run, run, run" Mom teases running up the stairs behind me, i squeal speeding up and running up stairs and straight to my room slamming my door behind me and slide down it panting as my mom tries to get in after me.

"Open this door!" She playfully bangs, i giggle quickly standing up and running into my bathroom and hiding behind the door, i can just about see everything from behind the crack in the door.

"Where have you gone!" Mom shouts barging into my room. I cover my mouth with my hand and watch as my mom carefully looks around my room and under my bed and inside my wardrobes.

"I know you i'm here, your that smelly i can smell you from here" Mom jokes, i laugh to myself and watch mom's head whip towards the bathroom, i hold my breath and watch as she slowly walks toward me.

"Got you now" She whispers under her breath, i have to try really hard to hold my breath and my laugh as my mom moves around. In a flash, my mom's body turns and she's facing me making me scream.

I try my hardest to get away from her and run out of the bathroom but her arms wrap around my body before i can escape. She lowers me to the floor and starts tickling me uncontrollably making me fall into a fit of giggles.

"Say sorry! Right now" Mom says getting down on her old knees and kneeling beside me as she continues to tickle the crap out of me. I wiggle in her grip and make a run when her hand moves the slightest, due to laughing i'm slowed down and have to jump onto my bed and bury myself into the duvet.

"Hey! Cheeky girl, get back here" Mom shouts playfully running back out the bathroom and jumping onto my bed beside me. Mom also laughs while trying to secure me in her arms while also trying to take the duvet off me.

One wrong move, i slip off my bed banging my head off the drawers behind me. Mom gasps loudly rushing over to me and kneeling down beside me, i want to start crying because of the thumping in my head but my mom's already trying to stop me from that.

"That was silly wasn't it?" Mom giggles wiping away a loose tear. I sniffle wiping my eyes with my sleeve and looking into my moms eyes which have immediately softened. I nod my head slowly wiping my eyes again as my mom reaches out for me and brings me onto her lap.

"Hm, your just really silly" Mom jokes bouncing her knees a little bit. I nod my head turning my face into her shoulder. Mom manages to stand up with me in her arms and sits on my bed and holds my waist tightly when pressing a kiss to the side of my head.

"Let's get you into bed cheeky" Mom teases pinching my cheek playfully. She draws back the duvet and laid me down carefully, i was only sniffling a small bit as my mom wrapped me back up in my duvet.

"Right, does your head still hurt love" She asks running her hand down my cheek, i nod my head slightly and watch as she gently pulls me forward. Her hands push my hair away and she run her fingers up and down my head.

"Mm, you've got a small bump baby. You don't feel dizzy or anything?" Mom asks holding the back of my head gently in her hand, i shake head letting out a small yawn and feel my mom place my head back down on the pillows.

"Are you gonna be okay, or do you want some ice on it" She asks rubbing her hand up and down my tummy. I think for a second, if i don't get some ice then i'll have to go to sleep now but if i do then my mom will probably stay with me.

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