32. before he cheats

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𝐀𝐆𝐄 : 14

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 : 2 1 2 8

𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : cheating mention


Y/n's pov
I'm sitting in bed just on my phone, having the laziest day ever, i've done nothing at all today and just sat in bed. Rose is downstairs with Cosmo and Colin while my mom is in her bed as well, i think watching Tv.

I'm so bored, there's been nothing to do all day and the only thing my mom is doing is also sitting in bed so it wouldn't be any different to what i'm doing now. I even tried falling back asleep but even that doesn't work so i just sit, doing nothing.

"Y/n, can i come in" My mom knocks from the other side of me door. I groan into my pillow for some reason because now i actually have to speak to someone, i shout back to her she can and she opens the door slowly walking in.

"Hey baby" She calls softly coming over to my bed and sitting down beside my torso, she places her hand on my back and gently starts to rub. I hum into my pillow really not in the mood for talking right now

"I was wondering if you wanted to come and watch a movie in my room" Mom asks me nicely, i sit staring and think. To be honest i have nothing else to do and i could probably fall asleep as well just before the last movie finishes and then i'd get to sleep in my moms room, if she doesn't carry me back through.

"yeah, please" I smile turning my body over dramatically and laying in a starfish pose throwing one of my legs over moms lap. She runs her fingers soothingly down my legs tapping her finger tip as she goes.

"Is Colin in there or still downstairs with the two small ones, i mean i like watching movies with him but i like watching it just you and me better because it's always been you and me and i really like that, oo and also-" I have to cut myself of from rambling because my mom has that look on her face that says she has to tell me something

"What?" I ask sitting up properly, and wanting to know. Mom sighs taking a deep breath moving to sit closer to me, she reached out taking a hold of my hand and holds it tightly in her palm rubbing the thumb over my knuckles

"Um, we need to talk about me and... Colin" Mom gulps looking down, my eyes almost pop out my head and my body almost feels weaker than before

"What, is it bad" I ask quickly, mom sighs again keeping her head down and nodding her head, i suck in a sharp breath also looking down knowing my moms next words

"Me and Colin have broken up" Mom says slowly, i felt my heart drop and my throat close, i couldn't speak. This was a sentence i never wanted to hear come from my mom's mouth again.

"No, it's not fair" Was all i could say, the only four words that came out my mouth, that i kept repeating, i was stuck, stuck in the same situation i was in five years ago

"Why" I asked but it was a stupid question because all i got in return was just some issues which doesn't clear up the point

"No, no, This is all your fault!" I snap pulling my hand out of my moms and standing up from the bed, glaring at her. Her head shoots up and she turns her body to me

"How is this my fault Y/n, i've done nothing wrong" My mom asks sadly, all i felt is upset and angry, i'm not even thinking about the words that come out my mouth

"This was the same thing that happened with Romain, five years ago. Do you not think it's difficult for a man to come into my life every few years. Now Colin's gone what am i gonna do" I break down wiping my nose with my hoodies sleeve

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