37. my little shy girl

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𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 : 1 9 6 8



scarlett's pov:
Growing up, i think the one thing i wanted most, apart from being an actress, was to have a sweet baby girl. When i was growing up, everyday i would come up with new names to my mom, telling her i wanted to name my little this and that.

There was one day, one day where i found the most gorgeous name i'd ever come across, Y/n. The name stuck me, and when my mom asked me why i was never talking about baby names all the time was because i knew i was going to name my daughter that.

I fell pregnant at 19, i was in a relationship that ended horribly when he found out i was pregnant. I was in a dark place, i had no hope in the world for me to continue, but everyday i would remind myself of my younger self and how excited i was for a child.

When i found out i was having a girl, it was the best day of my life. Every since i was a little girl i wanted a baby girl, and i have one. Y/n, that was the name given to my little girl, one look and i knew it would suit her more than any other name.

Y/n ended up becoming the sweetest girl i've ever met. Her toddler stage was wonderful, very few tantrums compared to what i would have expected and she wasn't a child to cry when she couldn't get something, she would just move on and get something else.

I've not once had to shout at her and i'd like to keep it that way, i mean i haven't ever had a reason to shout at her. Most of her tantrums where because she was tired or just in a bad mood and it wasn't like it was never going to happen so i knew i couldn't be too harsh.

My baby is now 6 years old and time has really flown by, my girl is still very sweet. My mom says she is a miniature version of me when i was 6 which makes my heart grow 10X more for her.

The only thing that compares me and Y/n is that she is also the shy-est girl i think i've ever met. It only adds to her sweetness because she'll cling onto me like her life depends on it.

Anywhere i go, i take my girl with me. I hate leaving her and she hates when i leave, so i'll take her with me, to work, out for dinner sometimes with friends and everywhere basically.

Set was always funny, Y/n would sit on my chair watching my shoot as the cast members would all awe at the sight of her and her small chubby face would turn all red and she'd hide it in her teddy bear.

The only thing that wasn't easy, was waking the little princess up in the morning. We've never had a tantrum over it, but there has been an occasional few debates over wether sleeping in or waking up.

"Time to wake up sweet girl, come on baby" I say sweetly sitting next to Y/n's sleeping figure, her small body is laid spread out with her arms over her head and her legs tangled up in her duvet.

"Wakey wakey princess" I chuckle rubbing my hand on her tummy, she groans lowly curling into a ball facing me. I smile to myself leaning down placing my head in front of y/n's and kissing her nose.

Her eyes flutter open looking back into mine, a small whine comes out of her mouth and she turns her head into the pillow moving to lay on her stomach. I run my fingers through her knotty hair before she sits up on her knees and rubs her eyes.

"Did you have a nice sleep" I ask running my hand through her hair again, she nods her head with a yawn, turning her body and wrapping her arms around my neck and laying her head on my collarbone.

"Breakfast?" Her little voice asks cutely, i chuckle patting her back and standing back up onto my feet. Her small legs are dangling by my sides as i carry her downstairs and to the kitchen.

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