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A/N: The origin of the Aliens isn't going to be the same as the movies. 


In a room deep in the darkest places of Tartarus sat 6 of the most powerful entities in existence around a table. A guy with almost paper-white skin and pale blonde hair sat next to his wife, she had strawberry blonde hair and also pale skin. Next to them sat their parents, both who had raven-black hair, and black eyes which seem to suck every piece of light near them. Next to them sat a built tall man with dark skin and his head was covered by a hood. Lastly, next to the muscled man sat another man who had tan skin, ocean-blue eyes, and black hair. These were the primordials of light, day, upper air, night, darkness, shadows, the pit, and the oceans. 

They were in one of the most important and dangerous meetings since the era of the dinosaurs. They didn't know why they were called for, they only knew that Tartarus had called them because it was important, and they knew that Tartarus never jokes about anything besides torture. 

"Why did you call us here brother?" Erebus, the primordial of darkness and shadows spoke first. 

"I have called you all here because some of my prisoners have scape from the deepest part of me and into the surface." Tartarus stated. This brought the same reaction to everyone present: anxiety. They had this reaction because if it were any regular monster Tartarus wouldn't have called them. 

"Which monster scaped?" Pontus, the primordial of the seas asks hesitantly. 

"No monster, but alien." Tartarus said in a deep and concerned voice. Everyone present knew what he was talking about. They were creatures that almost made the dinosaurs extinct if it weren't for them intervening in the first place. They all look at Tartarus expecting him to be playing, but he just kept his stoic face and they knew better than everyone else that he wasn't joking. 

"How many?" Nyx, the primordial of the night spoke out in a small voice.

"All of them..." Tartarus responded.

That one sentence made the room cold and quiet. No one dare to speak about it because they knew once they started talking it was for real. They were all having flashbacks of what happened the first time that they had to fight them one by one because they were almost too powerful for them. 

"Where are they now?" Hemera, the primordial of the day spoke.

"They are currently in Alaska, remember that they need the cold weather to procreate and live. They are currently living in the woods and in the process of healing." Tartarus responded and everyone nodded. They thought in silence about what to do next when Erebus once again spoke up.

"We can't let the Olympians know of this problem. If they find out they might try to find a way to use them as weapons. Ever since Zeus became king and the boy Perseus Jackson save his ass, he has been trying to find ways to not need help from a demigod." Erebus pointed out and everyone nodded. 

"Talking about heroes, why don't we ask for the help of Perseus Jackson? He is the strongest of all demigods in history and he will be willing to fight in order to save the Earth, not to say that he has one of the strongest connections to the sea." Pontus offered and everyone nodded with the exception of Tartarus and Nyx who had their heads down in thought. 

"He is currently missing." Aether, the primordial of sunlight and upper air spoke out for the first time. 

"What do you mean he is missing son?" Erebus asked.

"He decided he had enough from the Olympians and took a vacation away from everybody. No one has heard from him in almost a month." Aether responded and closed his eyes in concentration. After a couple of seconds he opened his eyes and spoke once again, "he is either not on Earth or he has found a way to conceal himself completely from even my eyes." 

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