Important Announcement

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Hello readers!

Yes, if you are reading this, then it means what you all are thinking...

Unfortunately, I'm discontinuing this story for several reasons.

First, when I started this story, I did not have a plan or timeline in mind about the story. I just wrote it and kept writing to see what my mind could come up with. It has several plot holes and my first chapters weren't all that great compared to the last of them.

Second, I do not have the time to continue coming up with stories or ideas on how to properly finish it. I did have one idea for the epilogue which was different from what I've seen but I can do it now since I do not know or have the time to continue. However, my own idiocy of not having any idea of how to properly structure the story fucked me over.

Third, I have more present matters to do, and having a thought at the back of my head about my unfinished story doesn't help. I'll just discontinue it for the time being and maybe come back to it another time.

Fourth, I'm not looking forward to what Disney has done and will do to the Percy Jackson series(the TV show in Disney+) and I can just see right now the amount of comments, positive and negative, that my story will have after the show comes out in December. I don't like the TV series and how they changed so much of the characters' descriptions and I just have lost the love for the series. I love the books and fanfic writers across FFN, Wattpad, and Ao3, but I just lost the feeling of writing about it.

Those are just the main reasons why I'm discontinuing this story and my others as well. I may only upload on my one-shot request book and only in that one. My other two books, "The Bronze Bracelets" and "The Curse of Time: Going Back" are going to be discontinued as well, so sorry if you also enjoyed reading those two books as well.

On a much further note, besides my writing; I'll stop writing in Wattpad from here on now besides the one-shot request book(link to my account in my profile description or at the end of this note). I'll only start uploading in Ao3 due to the site not having any restrictions besides copyright. I don't have to worry about the language or how I decided to write on the platform here I need to be careful to not be overly explicit or write certain words that would be considered inappropriate, racist, discriminant, and the like.

I just wanted to thank all of you who read my story, and the updates and patiently waited for a new update. Those positive comments and votes really fueled me to write more and become a better writer, but my own life doesn't help. School is my main priority and I really want to become a teacher someday and teach kids.

So, without much more ado, thank you all so much for reading my stories and even if you didn't comment or vote, I still thank you for reading them.

Hope you all have a wonderful day and a good time and maybe I'll see you in my other books in Ao3.


Ao3 link:

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