Chapter 1: The Suicide Squad

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Third POV 

"Oh Shit" 

"Perseus, it's nice to see you once again," Nyx greeted the demigod with clear regret on her face and voice. Percy brought his sword up in defense just in case of Nyx tried to kill him once again. 

"I wish I could say the same Lady Nyx," Percy responded and observed the people with her. They were clearly all powerful beings and Percy was willing to bet his left arm that at least half of them were primordials. Just when his eyes rest upon the last person he staggered back from the surprise. He immediately recognized the person, his purplish skin and faceless face gave it away. 

"Perseus, we are not here to harm nor threaten you," Hemera told the demigod in a sweet motherly voice that radiated warmth. Percy relax to her voice but he still kept his guard up. The primordials had a quick mental conversation on what do to and they decided to talk with him about it. 

"Perseus, we want to have a talk with you about the creatures you just encountered," Erebus stated and Percy slowly lower his sword and capped it to have a friendly conversation. 

"Alright, but who are you all? I just know Lady Nyx and Lord Tartarus," Percy asked and shivered when he said Tartarus' name. 

"My name is Erebus, primordial of darkness and shadows," Erebus started before pointing to the remaining primordials. "They are Nyx's and mine children, Aether primordial of upper air and sunlight, and Hemera, primordial of day." Percy bows his head to the primordial couple immediately remembering them from his history class at camp. Percy immediately felt the pain of betrayal from his friends but he pushed it down and continued hearing the primordial darkness in front of him. 

"Then he is Pontus, the primordial of the seas," Percy immediately bowed to the first deity in respect. Ever since he saw the man he immediately felt a connection and pull towards him but Percy couldn't decipher why. 

"Rise Perseus, you are the only demigod to have ever been in my presence. You are more than worthy to be called a son of the seas. Your work to maintain and help everything in the sea including the sea itself is unlike anything anyone has ever done," Pontus complimented Percy, and said demigod blushed. He has never been in front of any primordial besides Gaea, but that was because he fought her till the end. The primordials noticed Percy's face of admiration for Pontus and started to snicker.

"Sorry about that, but it's just that everyone believes that all of the primordials have faded or are in deep slumber," Percy explained and the primordials share a look of understanding. Hemera and Aether summoned a couple of chairs and a table for them to sit at to have a talk.

"Take a sit Perseus, this is going to take some time," Hemera ordered Percy. He didn't deny it since he knew that if they wanted they could kill him with just the flick of their hand. 

"Please, call me Percy, Perseus make it sound like you want to kill me. You aren't going to kill me, right?" Percy asked somewhat hesitantly and nervously. Hemera, Erebus, Aether, and Pontus chuckle once again at his expression before settling down. 

"We want to only talk to you about what you encountered and answer any questions you might have," Aether responded and all the primordials nodded. Percy let out a sigh of relief before relaxing into the chair letting his muscles relax after fighting for over half-hour at almost his full skill. 

"What do you guys want to know about it before I start asking questions like there is no tomorrow?" Percy asked before willing the green substance to leave his clothes and throwing it on the snow. Pontus snapped his fingers and Percy's clothes were brand new and clean. Percy gave an appreciated nod at the primordial of the sea before Nyx spoke up. 

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