Chapter 10: The Most Expensive Apples

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Percy, Thalia, and Reyna were running through the woods in Oregon. The primordials had sent the three of them there to get rid of a small nest of aliens and the primordials were in Massachusetts doing a bigger nest. 

Thalia was on point with Reyna trailing right behind her and Percy coming up with the rear. Thalia and Reyna didn't have Artemis' blessing anymore but their bodies were already used to the life of a hunter. Percy for his part was having a bit of trouble following their speed. He might be the strongest demigod to live, but he still lacked a bit of speed and agility when compared to a hunter. His skills with the sword and how unpredictable he was were the only reasons why he was so difficult to beat. 

"Hurry! We are almost there! Just a few hundred meters more and we will reach the sea!" Thalia shouted from her spot in the front. 

They were originally there to get rid of one of the aliens' nests, but they reproduced way faster than anticipated. They originally thought that there were only around 10 of them, but when their cover had to be blown up, they encountered 35 of them. They were getting rapidly overwhelmed and had to bail out of there. 

"Just a hundred meters-" Thalia's shout was abruptly cut short when an alien barreled into her. 

"Thalia!" Percy and Reyna shouted when they saw the alien and Thalia rolling on the ground. 

Reyna tried to get close but another alien came from out of nowhere and placed itself in front of the daughter of Bellona. Percy also tried to get over to Thalia but just then another 2 aliens blocked his path. 

"Get off of me!" Thalia shouted as she felt the alien's tail wrapping around her neck.

Percy saw what was happening to Thalia and decided to do something that he had vowed to never do. Thinking quickly, he rapidly encased the two aliens in front of him in a thick layer of ice before closing his eyes and started to concentrate. He spread his senses until he felt Reyna fighting an alien and then Thalia and the other alien on top of her. 

"Come on, I only got one chance," Percy muttered to himself and concentrated on the alien on top of Thalia.

The son of Poseidon started to concentrate on the blood inside of the alien and started to will it to stop. He felt the familiar pull on his gut, but this only felt almost as if he was getting his intestines pulled out of his body. It was a feeling of pure torture, but he had to endure it to save Thalia. Percy got over the pain once he thought about Thalia being in danger and focused on the alien's blood even more. Just when he felt the blood obeying his command, he felt like the cracked ball of glass in front of him had completely shattered and felt a rush of power run through him. 

Thalia hadn't noticed when the alien had caught up to them. She was currently trying to force herself out of the alien's grasp but it was almost futile. They all knew that the aliens had more force than them and were crazy to fight them in just pure force. The daughter of Zeus felt how the alien's tail wrapped around her throat with such force that she almost immediately started choking. She wasn't getting any air and trashed harder to get herself free. 

The daughter of Zeus tried to get her spear out and get herself out of this situation but both of the alien's hands were holding her arms. She thrashed around as much as she could until she started seeing spots in her vision and things getting blurry. Her head throbbed and the sounds around her were starting to be deafened. She was already accepting her fate when she felt air suddenly rush through her body. 

Thalia gasped and took several deep breaths before looking at the alien on top of her. She felt the alien's grip loosen completely on her before a familiar bronze xiphos cut its head off completely. 

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