Chapter 7: Vacation Trip(M)

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A/N: Whenever a chapter has the letter (M) in the title, it means that there is mature content, which means basically lemons for most of this book(doesn't mean that there are going to be lemons scenes every chapter). I will give a warning for when a mature scene starts and an end warning for those who would prefer to skip those parts or are underage(;

This is probably my longest chapter ever posted(I have longer ones in the works), let me know if you like longer chapters and not too many updates, or shorter ones but more updates.

Time Skip(4 months in Tartarus, 3 weeks in the mortal world)

Percy POV

It has been 4 months since Artemis left and things were looking better than before. Our training has to prove effective whenever we go up against the aliens. Other than superficial injuries or a broken bone every now and then, nothing happens to us. Our coordination with one another is incredible. The best duo skill-wise is still Reyna and me. Thalia comes close behind us with me and/or Reyna, but no one can beat me and Reyna in pure skill. 

My relationship with Reyna and Thalia has advanced at not so low but not too-fast pace. Thalia is the most daring out of all of us by a long shot. We weren't even two days into the relationship when she attacked Reyna with a kiss on her lips. Reyna instantly became stiff and Thalia gave her time to react. Eventually, Reyna reacted but wasn't sure about her actions like she was with me. Ever since that day, Thalia has been doing much more daring things to the three of us, especially me whenever Reyna isn't near. Not that I am complaining but she is making it hard to hold back. 

Right now we are all sitting around the meeting table that has held so many meetings that it has basically become a relic by this point. We had just come back from clearing out a warehouse that held 35 aliens and we noticed that they already had eggs or the sack that holds them. We have encountered several nests that had them and got rid of them. We had been going out to clear them almost every night(surface world-wise, about 5-6 days in Tartarus), so it still hasn't taken a heavy toll on us. 

"That was some mission," Reyna said as she sat down next to me and look at me expectantly. She and Thalia have taken the advantage of my powers over liquids to make me clean them up from the green substance, that serves as blood for the aliens. I just flicked my hand and cleaned her and Thalia from the blood(let's just call it blood from now on).

"Yeah, but it was kind of funny seeing Tartarus get wack in the back of the head by one of their tails," Aether joked and everyone laughed, except Tartarus. 

Tartarus just grunted before flicking his hand, the next moment Aether was covered by shadows and he let out a very 'manly' scream, it is safe to say that everyone laughed at him. Once the shadows retracted, they left behind a very scared Aether that was even paler and shaking. Hemera looked concerned about him before enveloping him in a hug and shining brightly to cure him. 

"Fucking pussy," Tartarus said as he chuckled at Aether's reaction. Hemera shot him a glare but he just shrugged it before turning back to continue with the meeting. 

"Okay, I believe that it was a successful mission," Erebus said before Hemera could say anything to Tartarus. 

"Yes, how I wish for a vacation right now," Thalia complained. 

I noticed that Nyx shot a glance at Pontus before he nodded. They looked to be having an idea and if it involves Nyx, it's not always good. Just taking me on a tour of Tartarus ended up with me being in the stomach of a drakon, almost freeing a monster from the Christian pantheon because Nyx wanted me to know a creature from another pantheon personally. 

"We actually have an idea about it," Nyx said before everyone turned their attention to her. 

"We have seen how effective everyone has been working, especially you Percy since you are the one coming up with the training and fighting techniques. So we decided to go all on a vacation to just relax," Pontus finished and everyone perked up at the idea of having a really well-rested vacation. 

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