Chapter 8: Going Back to Half-Hell(M)

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Third POV

Vacation House

On a double king-size bed, there were two figures laying in each other's arms, completely naked. They had done something that they had never done before in their lives, and they didn't regret it for a moment.

Percy slowly opened his eyes and noticed the mess of shining black hair sprawled over his chest. He also noticed the lack of clothes from both of them and immediately remember what had happened the night before. Percy started blushing at the memory of him and Reyna taking each other's virginity the night before. 

Just as Reyna started to stir from her sleep, the door to the room burst open and shook them awake. Percy pulled the covers up to cover both of them from their nakedness before looking at who it was.

"Nice to see you finally had some fun, both of you," Thalia said with a teasing smile. 

Reyna was still groggy, but she still blushed along with Percy. They shuffled slightly in their positions before Thalia came up to them and lay next to Percy. The three demigods didn't say anything, they just enjoyed being in each other's company until it was time for breakfast. 

"Let's change and head down for breakfast," Reyna said and Percy nodded. 

"I'll wait for the both of you downstairs," Thalia said as she got up and walk to the door. Right before she was about to leave, she turned her head around and wink at Percy before closing the door behind her. 

"She is such a tease," Percy murmured, which gain a chuckle from Reyna. 

"Come on, Percy, you can tease her the entire day," Reyna suggested and Percy happily nodded at her idea.

Line Break

As Percy and Reyna joined the primordials and Thalia at the table, they both received sly smiles from everyone. Percy and Reyna immediately knew why they were giving them those smiles, but they didn't want to be more embarrassed than they already were. 

"So, how did you two sleep?" Nyx teased. 

Percy and Reyna shared a glance at each other before blushing deeply. Everyone at the table started laughing at their reaction while shooting more teasing questions.

"I don't know, but I am pretty sure Percy was drained by the time they fell asleep," Aether said, which caused another round of laughter. 

If it were possible, Reyna and Percy blushed even more at Aether's sentence. Even though Percy was being teased and embarrassed by the primordials, he couldn't help but feel happy about being so close to them and feeling like he belong with them, like they were family. 

"Okay everyone, I think that was enough teasing for them. But Percy and Reyna, remember to change the sheets and use protection," Hemera said with a smirk and everyone started laughing even harder at their blushing faces. 

The rest of the breakfast went over with a tease towards Percy and Reyna every now and then. But the majority of the time was spent talking and sharing stories. By the end of the meal, they all left to do their own side of the mansion before doing their activities.

Time Skip

Percy, Thalia, and Reyna spent the rest of the day watching movies, sparring, and swimming. Their time spent with each other just made them feel like they couldn't be separated from one another for too long. 

It was finally night time and Reyna and Thalia shared a glance with each other before nodding. Reyna took some clothes from the room and left for the room Thalia had used the prior night. 

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