Chapter 9: Creation of a New Domain

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Third POV

The three demigods had made it back to their vacation house with the rest of the primordials. Thalia and Reyna were mad about the demigods' actions while Percy was depressed and fuming at the same time(weird combination). 

"Don't give them a second thought, Percy," Thalia comforted her boyfriend as she saw the look on his face.

"Thalia is right Percy, they did what they did and they are responsible for their actions. Don't give them too much time, they don't deserve it," Reyna said sternly but concerned as possible. 

"You both are right, what's in the past is in the past and I must continue. What would I've been doing without the two of you?" Percy rhetorically asked as he engulfed both of the girls in a hug.

"Come on, we need to have a chat with the rest," Reyna said as she got out of the hug and started walking back to the main room of the mansion.

"She is right, let's go," Thalia agreed and took hold of Percy's hand before pulling him with her.

'I really am lucky to have the two of them after so much pain. They might've hurt me during those times, but they saw their mistakes and made up for it, I couldn't be happier," Percy thought to himself as Thalia dragged him through the halls back to the main room.

Timeskip(2 months)

"Why does it seem like there are always more of them?" Percy said tiredly as he flopped down on one of the long couches in the mansion of night. 

"I'm with kelp-head on this one," Thalia said before flopping down right on top of her boyfriend, earning a grunt from him. 

Everyone was currently present in the living room in their full armor and battle gear. They had just come from clearing an abandoned farm in Nebraska. They had thought that there were only twenty aliens, but when they got there they got a major surprise at learning that there were almost 50 of them. They were all covered in slashes, bruises, dirt, snow, ichor, and mortal and alien blood. 

Reyna sat by Percy's and Thalia's heads as she absentmindedly played with both of their hairs. Percy had taken the major beating at having taken several tail whips from the aliens in place of Reyna and Thalia. He was so exhausted that he was falling asleep and couldn't care less about his girlfriend's weight on his back. 

"I believe that they had already bred and multiplied in numbers," Tartarus said as he sat down on a couch.

"Could be, but why aren't any of them attacking mortals if it is easy for them?" Thalia asked from her spot on top of Percy.

"We don't know, it could be that they are trying to avoid us after we have hunted them for months, well for them it has probably been just two months since all of this started and for us like half a year," Nyx explained from her spot next to her husband. 

Erebus and Nyx were currently sitting down on a long couch with their son and daughter as their children healed their cuts. Hemera soon moved over to heal Percy since she was very aware of the son of Poseidon's injuries. 

"We must get as much rest as possible and come up with new strategies on how to kill them since they are growing in numbers," Nyx suggested.

"But how did they grow their numbers so quickly? If they had just bred they would at least have been newborns and not full-grown adults," Percy said during one of his clear-mind moments.

"They are aliens, Percy, not even us know much about their anatomy, even less their gestation period and how much time they require to be full-grown adults," Pontus answered and Percy just groaned in annoyance.

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