Let's play a game~

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Izuku's pov

{They said they just wanted to hang out, be nice kacchan}

{No promises} kacchan ‹3

I let out a small laugh and I hope he does have fun with his friends. Even if he doesn't admit they're friends I know the truth.

I had breakfast with my mom and then left the house for groceries.

While I'm at the store I see something kacchan would like and I know he's coming over tomorrow so maybe I can get this for him for when we watch a movie.

I smile to myself as I grab the spicy snack and place it in the basket as I continue walking to go pay for everything.

Once I got home I began putting everything away, my mom's not home because she went to go get her work uniform from the dry cleaners. I'm thinking about texting my friends to see if they want to hang out. They wanted to before but because of the trip kacchan and I went on with our parents we obviously couldn't. And I'm not exactly doing anything right now so maybe if they are free aswell we can do something.

I turn on my phone and look for the group chat.



I wait for a reply

{Hi deku! :)} Defying-gravity
Ochaco replied quickly.

{Hi midoriya} Ribbit
Tsu replies shortly after

{Good afternoon} soba
Shoto replies

{What's up?} Defying-gravity

{Any of you want to come over? Or go somewhere? I'm free today but if you can't I'm also free on Thursday (two days from now)}

{Yeah I'll come over!!!} Defying-gravity

{So can I} Ribbit

{I don't have your address midoriya} shoto says

{Didn't I give it to you?}

{Yes, and then my father burned it when he thought I wasn't doing homework} soba

{Ah- shoto-kun I don't understand your dad} defying-gravity

{Neither do I} soba

{Uh- ok well I can give it to you}

{That would be great midoriya} soba

{Ok well, while you do that, I'm on my way! See you soon deku!} Defying-gravity

{Same here, see you soon midoriya} Ribbit

I gave shoto my address and he texted back saying he'll be there soon.
As I'm waiting kacchan is texting me again

{I'm coming over} kacchan ‹3

{Aren't you coming over tomorrow?}

{Yeah but I'll stay over tonight} kacchan ‹3

{But my friends are coming over today, and why so sudden}

{I know, and the others want to see you and your loser friends aswell so they get that and I get too see you more. It's a win win} kacchan ‹3

{The others?}
{Wait but!? Not everyone can just come up unannounced!! My mom will be back soon, I just told her my friends are coming over and i can't text her while she's driving!!}

{I'm sure aunty won't mind nerd} kacchan ‹3

{If I get in trouble for this I'm blaming you!}

{You sound like a baby} kacchan ‹3

{We're talking over text!}

{Yeah and I can hear you saying that like a baby} kacchan ‹3

{Your so mean!}

{Yeah but you love me} kacchan ‹3

{Oh and, do you think you can keep your hands off me while our friends are there?} Kacchan ‹3

{We've kept us a secret for two years kacchan!!}

{Do you think YOU can keep YOUR hands off ME  "Mr.imma snuggle you as soon as we're alone"}

{How dare you} kacchan ‹3

A couple minutes later Ochako and Tsu arrive, I'm thinking kacchan and his friends will be here soon too since kacchan lives close by. Todoroki also arrived and they all sat down, I told them kacchan was coming over with Kirishima, denki and mina. They were completely fine with that.

My friends and I were on the couch watching a movie when there was a knock on the door.

"That's probably kacchan and the others, I'll get it" I say, getting up and heading to the door.

I open the door and there they were. I let them in and close the door.

"Deku!!! How was your trip!??? Bakubabe won't tell me anything" mina was the first to speak, and ofcourse she wants to know. Mainly to find out if anything dramatic happened.

"Ah- it was fun, same as every year" I reply simply.

"There's a movie on if you want to join in" I say and we all went to sit down somewhere to watch the movie, kacchan was sitting next to me but not too close, we were on the floor of my apartment.

We finish the movie and Ochako suggested a horror movie. I didn't really want to watch it because I know I can't handle them and since kacchan and I aren't alone I can't use him as my personal scare pillow but I didn't want to disappoint them since she convinced everyone else. I allow it but I go into the kitchen as I wanted to text my mom, she hasn't come home yet and I was wondering why. Before then I caught kacchan smirking at me, he knows I don't want to watch the movie...


{Hey mom, are you on your way back?}

{Sorry hunny, I went out shopping for some clothes I forgot to tell you. I'll be home soon} Mom

{Ok! Some friends are here, specifically kacchan who dragged then here} I warn my mom

{Oh that's ok, do you want me to stay out?} Mom

{Mom no, it's fine if your here, you don't need to leave your apartment just because my friends are here} Im not one of those kids who don't want my parents around when I have friends over, it's her apartment and she pays for it.

{Ok then, do you want any snacks for you and your friends?} Mom

{Kacchan already brought some over apparently}

{As expected, and don't worry, I won't say anything, I know you probably haven't told them} mom

I know what she means by that and I thank her for it. Now that I'm done texting my mom I have no excuse to stay out of the movie, unless I can-

"Midoriya" shoto says as he places a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh hey shoto, why aren't you watching the movie?" I ask.

"The starting is boring, it hasn't gotten 'scary' yet" he states, taking his hand off my shoulder.

"But that's not why I'm here" he says.
"I wanted to talk to you...alone" he says. I was about to answere him when I here.

"This movie is boring! Let's okay a game!" Mina yells, Ochako agrees, she thought the movie would be good but it hasn't been or they just don't have the patience. It's only been a few minutes as I just texted my mom for a bit not even 20 minutes have gone by.

Words: 1137

Hehe, I wonder what he wanted to say~

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