family time

430 7 0

Katsuki's pov:
The next day I woke up before deku. I got dressed and went to the kitchen being greeted by Inko.

"Good morning katsuki! Did you sleep well?" She says.

"Yeah, hey I gotta head home. Will you tell Izuku I'll be back later? Mom just wants me to pack before hand" I explain

"Of course! And if have to get Izuku to pack before he forgets"

I chuckle at the thought of deku forgetting to pack and then rushing to pack last minute like last year.

I give auntie a kiss on her cheek
"I'll see you later auntie" I say before leaving.

I start heading back to my house and prepare to be yelled at by my mom for not letting her know I was staying the night at deku's. I enter the house and start heading up the stairs, hoping my mom won't know I'm home yet.

" KATSUKI BAKUGOU, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN"  I hear. I turn around to see my mom standing at the bottom of the stairs with her arms crossed.

"I was at deku's" I explain.

"Why didn't you tell me you weren't going to be home!" She asked. I roll my eyes.

"Because it's non of your fucking business?" I say, clearly agrivating her more then I already have.

She's silent for a little while, as if she were thinking about something.

"Why are you always with Izuku? Huh? And don't avoid answering! You've been doing that for what? 2-3 years!? I still don't understand how you went from being a brat with him to being best friends In one day" she asks.

"We're not best friends! I can just tolerate that nerd more that's all!"

"And yet you Inko has seen you more then I have." She says scoffing. Is this what she's mad about?

"It's either your in your dorm or when not your at inko's" she goes on.

"I would like to see my son you know!" She continues. I never thought my mom felt this way? She always sounded like she didn't want me around...I sigh.

"Well maybe I just want to make up for being a shitty friend to Izuku" I say, it's not a lie. Even though we're together I still have the need to make it up to him.

"By never seeing your own family?" She asks. It's true. I hardly see them but again, she makes it seem as of she doesn't want me around.

" Well I'm hear now! And we're going on a trip soon" I explain.

"No, I want you here all week." She says

"What!? No! I have plans!" I yell

"Well cancel them, you staying home for the week, there's no getting out of this." She says.

I don't say anything, I just head upstairs to my room. Packing for the trip and then going on my phone to tell deku I won't be coming back over because of the old hag. He texts me back saying it's fine and that I should spend time with them. Once done I go downstairs to the living room where my parents are.

"Well" I say

My parents look at me.

"You want to see me right? Spend time? What are you waiting for?" I ask. My parents look dumbfounded, they didn't expect me to actually do this especially that quickly.

"What do you want to do?" My dad asks. Did they want me to stay but not plan what to do?

"Tch" is all that came from me. I walk over to the door and put my shoes on.

"Let's go" I say. My parents get their shoes and jacket, confused about what I'm doing. We walk out of the house and walk to the beach Izuku and I used to go to with our parents.

"Why did we walk all the way here?" Dad asks following behind me as I continue to walk to a specific part of the beach.

I move a rock and reveal a hole, filled with random games and things. It's from my childhood. Deku and I still come here often and use the games. We come here during school breaks and summer vacation. My parents look so shocked. It's been years since they've been here and they most likely didn't think I'd still remember it.

"Deku and I come here, so everything is clean and there's newer board games as well-" I say

There's silence.

"So if you two aren't TOO old to play...the Bakugou games competition...." I continue

"Oh your on brat!" My mom says with her competitive smile on her face.

We played board games and cards for hours on the beach. Even though there was alot of yelling, what did you expect? We're bakugou's. I enjoyed this, no, I've missed this. I know I'm not the best with my parents and do spend more time with Izuku at auntie's apartment but I had my reasons. I really didn't think they wanted me around but when I came home today, my mom. I rethought things and did this. Maybe we can have more times like this-...I won't admit that though.

...will I?

It was my turn to roll the dice but I just sat there and stared at the dice...

"Katsuki?" I heard my dad say.

I will, I'll tell them I've missed this...

"" I say.
I sighed before continuing on with what I wanted to say.

"As you don't see me much, I thought you didn't want me around so I wasn't..." I say. My parents tried to speak but I didn't let them.

"I'll try to be around more...but don't expect to be here all the time! I can't stand your old people smell" I say rolling my eyes.

Of course what I said made my dad emotional and my mom looked like she tried not to cry till what I said went through their ears and my dad started laughing while my mom was yelling at me for saying they have old people smell. We continued the games and I enjoyed it.

Word count: 1020

I'm so worn out- we went to the beach and when swimming it takes up alot of your energy... And I carried alot of things so my siblings wouldn't have to. Now my shoulders and back hurt so much- TmT but for some reason I'm not tired, so will I write another chapter today before I head off to bed?

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