Mina gets what she wants

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After gym gama and the teamwork excersises everyone learned more about eachother and how to work together best with eachother's quirk.

Bakugo, Midoriya and Mina were doing great. Mainly because Mina kept provoking bakugo which kept him going rather then to walk out on this exercise.

Not only did they do good, but Mina has promised she won't tell anyone or hint them off to others, so long as they hangout together so she can somewhat feed her gossip hunger. Which brings them to now, two days after the gym gama team building exercise. The three of them are sitting in midoriya's dorm room. Bakugo sitting behind midorya with his arms wrapped around him. Mina sits in front of the two, almost exploding with how cute they look together.

"I'm gonna die of cuteness, bakubabes looks so peaceful with you" mina says with a huge smile on her face.

"Tch." Is all that bakugo says before nuzzling in izuku's neck, hiding his face.

"Sooooo, how long have you been together???" Mina asks.

"Three years" Izuku says.

"Three years!? What!?" Mina exclaims.

"Lower your voice raccoon eyes, the walls ain't soundproof" bakugo says in izuku's neck. Mina smirks.

"Speaking of soundproof, have you to done 'it' yet? You know over the three years of dating and you being 17~"

"Minaaa!!" Izuku said before hiding his face in his hands, embarrassed.

"M'just curious" she said still smirking.

"No" said an Izuku still behind his hands.

"We haven't" he continued.

"Hmmm....you planning on it soon?"


That's how it started, and is still going. Mina would be invited to come hangout, she'd ask questions and they would answer. The three of them would watch movies or mina uses them as dolls, doing izuku's hair, painting bakugo's nails (black, otherwise she'll definitely die) and Mina would take pictures of the two somehow without them knowing and send it to them. Surprisingly bakugo wasn't annoyed by it, he'd save the pictures actually, and there was this one time he thanked Mina for the picture. Thanked, as in went up to her and said "thank you" the two words, said calmly.

The pictures consisted of katsuki and Izuku, cuddling, holding hands, just being together in his room talking with Mina, doing homework all together and stuff. And all pictures were sent to the group chat she made for the three of them. Though she did send pictures to katsuki only, images of just Izuku being himself.

This lasted for weeks, and honestly it was fun, mina is a good friend and they both appreciate her for not telling anyone, or hinting it anymore. No one suspects something is up with Mina for not gossiping about it but blew it off because Mina was talking about other things she would talk about.

It was great, and Mina loves that she can see them together, though she doesn't always take their time, she lets them be on their own. And in fact she helps bakugo plan out a date.

Bakugo's pov:

"I know, you've literally told me the same thing everyday for the entire week raccoon eyes!" I say, not yell.

"Don't give me that look Bakuhoe, you asked for my help and I'm just making sure you do it right" the girl toned girl says, looking directly into my eyes.

"We've been on dates before idiot! I know what I'm doing"

"Yeah but your bringing him to a hero themed festival thingy, you NEED to keep a good eye on him, otherwise...you Gon lose him to the crowd" she argues.

"So! Try to keep hands together! Like this!" She proceeds to hold her own hands together close, locked together.
"Do not let go." She said sternly.

"Do you think I'm fuc-"

"And do not, I repeat, do not bring him to the haunted house" A seriousness in her voice can be heard.

"Why not, he'll fuckin get scared, latch onto me and will definitely stay close with me for awhile, it's a win" I argue against her.

"But that specific haunted house will absolutely scare the hell out of him. They always make it so intense...-"

"He'll be fineee" I say.

She face palms and sighs.

"Fine then, traumatize the bean, hmph"

"He won't be fucking traumatized, I've brought him to multiple haunted houses" I tell her.

"Besides, he wants to be a hero? He's gotta be brave" I continued.

We fought back and forth about the haunted house and other things...why did I ask for her help again? Oh right, she knows more about this festival.

The festival is dedicated to heros, Izuku has always wanted to go with me but I.Hate.Crowds. I hate being in a space with too many people, especially when I'm spending time with Izu...it gets annoying. Because I've never gone, I don't know much about, I've read reports and stuff but it's not the same. Mina on the other hand has gone herself and knows how it is every year. And she was easy to get help from since she knows of us being together and she would always want to help with stuff like this, she'll probably help me propose when the time comes...god I'm smiling at the thought, discussing. Why is she a good friend.

She's nagged me on for a couple days about this date and is really into this, and she's threatened me a couple times, she might be taking it to seriously- this is what happens when she's obsessed over something and as annoying as it is or she is, I am thankful for her help because now I know what the festival is like and what kids of food and merchandise they sell. I've got it planned out, look around some shops, get lunch, haunted house and then buy him shit as an apology for having him go in the house, then come back and cuddle him to his death.

"Thanks Mina, I'll bring your 'precious bean' back before dinner"

Words: 1000
500 more words then last chapter. Anyways, sorry for not uploading any chapters I've gotten so busy with school, especially with exams. My next semester starts tommorow so I'll be readjusting to new classes but since we are just starting, maybe (I'm hoping) my teachers aren't the type to start giving out homework on the first week. And I should be able to write another chapter tommorow. I'll check in on that, I'll update my explanations book about why I was gone for awhile AND I'll update tomorrow to let you know if I will post another chapter so be on the lookout.

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