The beginning

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The year 2015 I was 14 years old; I saw him in a fleeting moment as we passed, I looked up to this towering man and he smiled, the most gorgeous smile. That moment was the beginning of my story.

2018 and it was senior year. 16 turning 17 the most important year of my high school life and the one that changed me for the best- but most likely for the worst. The first week is always homeroom, getting to know all juniors who will be in your class; doing team building activities, learning the basic school policies- all that jazz. By the end of that week each student would receive their class timetable- A. Zhang: Math's B. This man I had only ever seen in passing, had heard stories about, had only ever really seen during choir rehearsals, on a Wednesday afternoon (He was the pianist). He was now my math's teacher. I hate math's...

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