Introducing Aiden Zhang

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The Friday of that first week, for some reason our math's class was called in. As we all waited after school in our soon to be math's class, we were all chatting trying to understand what was going on. That's when he walked in "Hello everyone, I won't be here for the first lesson starting next week and I am here to give you your homework early." He smiled so brightly, so cheerfully- but me, I was horrified. He left as quickly as he came in, I looked down at the homework sheet full of letters and numbers making my head spin.

Aiden Zhang: 26 years old, Brown almond eyes, Short- black cropped hair, a smile that would make anyone who saw it melt. When he smiled his eyes would become crescent moons, but the sparkle in them still visible. His jaw was sharp and, on his chin, just under his lip was a small mole. He wore glasses while reading and teaching, but at other times they were off. He's a pianist; the music he plays is melodic and calming. He's also a runner; 100–200-meter sprints- his legs so muscular and defined even his arms, hugged by his dress shirts was a beautiful sight. At sports events he would participate in the sprints of the teachers and would always win. Just watching him doing the activities he excelled in would make my heart flutter.
Zhang was very much the most popular teacher among students, he was tall, handsome, and talented in both Music and Sports. Female students would often seek him out during lunch breaks and after school he would join his favorite male students in the school gym. I was just like every other student; I had a small crush on Zhang. 

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