Musician's Farewell

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Musicians farewell the final event of the year for everyone, graduation had been a month ago, but seniors were still coming in for rehearsals. Graduation was amazing, but musicians farewell was truly the end. Each and every performer showed their accomplishments, awards were given to the best students, and it was a time of celebration and completion. The end of all the stress, the release many musicians need- to not be judged, but to share and entertain. It was the best night, I didn't care about anything, I reveled in music and experience. 'Didn't get to sing the solo? Well, it's definitely too late now.' But it didn't matter, I was surrounded by my friends and family, I was surrounded by what I love. While during the day and night, I didn't have much to do with Zhang, we would somehow always find each other in the crowd of students and teachers. I knew that tonight was the end, and I did my best to avoid him and the emotions I would feel. Even till the end when I came out of the classrooms where instruments were being held and walked over to where he was chatting with my family, I stayed somewhat distanced and detached. The last thing I saw was his smile, and his big wave. I thought that was all I could handle until he turned around and lifted up his slacks to reveal the piano socks he had gotten for his birthday. I giggled and waved as he walked away and walked out of my life forever.

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