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*Zekora Karma POV*

The next day, my eyes were extremely bloodshot. 

They kept me up all night again and this time, they brought students. 

There was a kid with purple hair and he sort of looked like Aizawa, and then there was a kid with green hair and he had freckles. 

'Hi Miss Freefall, I'm Izuku Midoriya and this is Hitoshi Shinso. We're here to ask you some questions.' Midoriya says cheerfully. 

I groan internally and blink tiredly. 

'Get on with it.' I grumble, Midoriya shivers with fear once he meets my gaze. 

'Let me take it from here.' Shinso says, Midoriya nods his head desperately. 

'Are you going to use your quirk?' He whispers and I laugh, their heads snap towards me. 

'Pathetic.' I smirk, Midoriya gets a scared chill down his spine and Shinso's eyes widen slightly. 'You know this isn't going to work, your class is going to fail and you'll never become heroes because I will not cooperate!' I laugh psychotically. 

'Don't listen to her.' Aizawa says through the speaker. 'She's just trying to get on your nerve.'

'W-Well, it's working.' Midoriya says shakily. 

'Good.' I snarl, making my bloodshot eyes stare at Midoriya. 

'Midoriya, don't listen to her.' Aizawa says, I smirk. 

'Don't you ever wonder why you were failing at the start of the year, Midoriya?' I say smoothly, Shinso's jaw clenches. 

'Why classmates were picking on you? Teasing you for their entertainment?' Midoriya shakes his head slightly. 'It's because you're a disappointment to this world and to society.' I smirk. 

Tears start streaming down his face. 

'T-That's not true.' He whimpers, trying to pull a brave face but failing. 

'Oh, but it is. And you know it.' Midoriya leaves the room in a crying mess and I smirk. 

I look at Shinso and he had a semi-scared look on his face, afraid that I was going to do the same with him. 

But I say nothing. 

After a moment, his semi-scared look is gone and he sort of looks...curious?

I release four feathers and they shoot into the four cameras in the room, cutting off the video and mic. I release one more and it locks the door and stays there. 

I sigh quietly and lean my head back. 

'I believe you had questions to ask.' I grumble, glancing at him with my tired eyes. 

There was a moment of silence. 

'You never wanted to be a villain, didn't you?' I look at the ground with furrowed eyebrows. 'You were comparing Midoriya's past with yours, weren't you?'

I sigh and look at him. 

'So you were.'

'Look, kid. You're right, I never wanted to be a villain in the first place. I wanted to be a hero because I care about helping people but my parents abused me and forced me to become a villain, I suppose you could say I "grew up" with it.' I mutter, making eye contact with Shinso. 'My past was rough, yes. Did it lead me to where I am now, yes but people would judge, and say abusive things, so I suppose I wanted to get revenge? I don't know anymore. But now I am used to the lifestyle.' 

Shinso stays silent before looking at the table. 

'I guess you're the same?' He nods. 

'Except for the abusive parents and crap but the bullying, yes.'

He sighs and looks at me. 

'Look, we just want to help you and give you the chance to become good. To help fight evil-'

'That's the thing!' I snap, suddenly showing emotion and it scared Hitoshi. 'There is no "good" and "evil", just people! People in this world who want different things but we can't put a label on them if you don't know what caused them to be in this position!' 

There was a moment of silence before I sighed. 

'This is useless.' I grumble, looking away. 

'No, this is not useless! This is helpful, extremely helpful!' Hitoshi blurts. 'But you need to trust us.'

Nobody spoke. 

'I trust you. Not them. I'll let you help me but don't expect anything to happen.' I huff, and a smile appears on Shinso's face. 


'Yeah. Now run along. I need sleep. Do not tell anyone about this.' He nods and I call my feathers back, he stands up and walks out of the room. 

I sigh. He's a good kid

I finally fall asleep.

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