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*Dabi POV*

We had a plan. 

I managed to sneak into U.A with a disguise on with my normal clothes underneath and god it was uncomfortable. 

A janitor with a mask and sunnies on. 

Stupid, right?

But it was the only one that would work. 

I walk through the hallways with a broom as I pretend to sweep when I see some pros coming out of a room and a couple of students. 

I wait for them to walk down the halls when I enter the room. 

The door shuts. 

'Card please.' A male robotic voice asked. I growl under my breath. 

'Do you need to get in, Jim?' I hear a voice, I look down and see the mouse/rat/bear thing with a smile on his face. 

'Uh yes.' I say in a fake deep voice. 'I forgot my card.'

The principal smiled. 

'It happens to the best of us!' He says cheerfully, he scans his card and the door opens. 

'Thank you.' I say. 

'No worries Jim! Don't forget to lock up!'

'Will do.' 

I walk in and begin looking at the cells.

'I'm in, Kurogiri.' I say in my normal voice as I take the janitor costume off. 

'Good, find Freefall.' He replies. 

I start walking through the corridor when I saw something. A black wings.

I walk to the room and see Karma strapped to a chair with her head hung between her shoulders. 

I enter the surveilling room and then I entered the interrogation room and kneel in front of her. 

She looks up tiredly.

'D-Dabi?' She mutters sleepily, a small smile appears on my face, 

'Let's get you out of here.' I murmur, I unstrap her and help her up. 

I hook an arm around my neck as she tiredly stumbles, clearly not having gotten much sleep. 

We exit the interrogation room and the surveillance room. We leave the corridor and head into the hallway. 

'Hey!' I hear a voice snap, my head turns to my right and I see a whole band of heroes glaring at me. 

'Well, this is fun.' I grumble sarcastically, still holding on to Freefall.

I see Hawks and he meets my eyes but then he looks away. 

'Ready?' I whisper to Freefall, and she looks up at me. 

'For what?' she mumbles tiredly. 

The heroes start running at me and I run towards the window and jump through it, smashing it to pieces. 

We fall but then Karma's wings start flapping and we fly. 

'You could've warned me.' She grumbles, trying to concentrate and carry my weight. 

'I did.'

'Not really.'

She coughs a little bit and I see a bit of blood dribble out of her mouth. 


We get to the city after a few minutes and Zekora was coughing more often. 

We crash land on a building rooftop and we rolled until we stopped. 

I hear her cough again and her breathing was raspy. 

I rush over to her and she was on her side. 

'Fuck, that hurt.' She says hoarsely, I chuckle quietly. 

'Sorry.' I say, she stays lying down and tries to take deep breaths but she keeps coughing. 

'What did they do to you?' I ask gently, putting a hand on her shoulder. 

'Physical abuse is one way of putting it.' She wheezes quietly.


'Hey, Dabi.' I hear a voice say behind me. 

I whip around and see Hawks with a smug grin. 

'Don't move.' I whisper to Freefall and she nods.

I stand up slowly but threateningly. 

'In a bit of a shit mood, are we?' He jokes as I stroll towards him. 

I set my hand on fire and he flinches. 

'Woah, Woah. Calm down.'

'Fuck off, Hawks.' I snarl and I stop a couple of meters away from him. 

'Chill out-'

I throw a punch with my hand that was on fire and his face dodges it but it skims across his wing. 

'Ow, Ow, Ow!' He says, putting the fire out. 

'Dabi, have you collected Freefall?' Shigaraki asks into the comms. 

'Yes.' I reply. 

'We've got your location.' Kurogiri says, a warp gate appears and I smirk. 

'Time to go.' I say, putting Freefall's arms around my neck and helping her toward the warp gate. 

Hawks throws a sharp feather at Freefall and it lands in her ankle. 

She hissed in pain and we made it through just in time. 

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