Ch 4: City of Italica

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After Rimuru bring the Elves To his New City he went Straight to the command center.

Right now he was in deep thought about what Ciel Said to him about having Wives, Ciel said that she was fine even if he have Multiple wives as long as she was the Number one.

Rimuru was having Conflicted Feelings since he never Dated a Girl or even tried to Confess to one.

He was In deep thought and he didn't even notice that Hodor Entered the Room and have been calling him for a few minutes now.

"Rimuru-san...Rimuru-san" Hodor Yells at Rimuru to Bring him back to reality

"Ahhh Hodor-san since when Did you enter?" Rimuru asks Hodor with Suprise Expression

"I've been here for a Few Minutes now" Hodor replied

"Ahh really?" Rimuru ask which Hodor only nodded

"Sorry about that, So why are you here?" Rimuru said

"I'm here to ask if you could Accept us as Your Sabordenate" Hodor said

"Ehh are you sure?" Rimuru ask

"Yes I've already talked to the others and everyone has the same opinion and wanted to serve under you," Hodor said

"Well if no one was against it then I'll welcome you all to My Nation," Rimuru said

"Ehh Nation?" Hodor asks with a surprised expression

"Ahh, I haven't formally introduced myself, so let me re-introduce myself, My name is Rimuru Tempest King of the Jura Tempest Federation," Rimuru said with a Nobel dignity around him

When Hodor Heard that Rimuru was a King he imidiatly Knelt Since he didn't expect that Rimuru was A King.

"You don't have to kneel In Front of me you know," Rimuru said

"But you are a king"

"It alright," Rimuru said

After that Hodor Stands Up But he was still surprised

"Now that I think about it Why is Rimuru-sama Having a deep thought?" Hodor ask

"You don't need to be formal you know"

"Nope, now that you are our master, We can't simply call you without honorific," Hodor said

*Sigh* "Do as you please, as for why I'm in deep thoughts it's Something personal" Rimuru said

"I see let me guess Is it about Girls?" Hodor said

Rimuru hearing Hodor Guess was Surprises and ask

"How did.." Rimuru didn't get to finish his sentence since he was Interrupted by Hodor

"I know that look of a man who is having Conflicted Feelings about Girls," Hodor said

Well, You can't blame him since he was experienced with women and he was someone you can call a Harem Protagonist.

"Tell me about it Rimuru-sama I might be able to help," Hodor said

Rimuru was hesitant at first but decided to tell Hodor

"I'm just not sure if I'm worthy of their Love and I'm not sure if I can meet up their expectations of me," Rimuru said

"I see so your both in experience With girls and you are not sure your self if you are worthy of them"

Rimuru who heard Hodor's Words Only nodded even though it is embarrassing that he doesn't have any experience when it comes to Girls He has no choice but to accept it since it's the truth.

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