Ch 12: Old Place and Hot Spring

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----This Chapter is written by Void-King---

A new day dawned over the Land of the Rising Sun, and in a certain house, a group of individuals gathered in the same room, discussing their plans for the day.

"Like I said, why do we need to blend in with the public?" Rimuru asked Itami.

"Listen, Rimuru, my motto is hobby first and job in my spare time. I'm not going to miss this chance to buy some new manga! Besides, there's someone I need to meet, so we actually need to go somewhere to pass our time here," Itami replied.

"Well, it's your call. I'll just disguise myself to blend in," Rimuru said as he cast illusion magic on himself, changing the color of his hair from bluish-silver to black he also Change the color of his eyes to black. Benimaru and the others soon followed; they used magic to hide their horns and change the color of their hair and Eyes.

"Now that everyone is in agreement, where do you guys want to go?" Itami asked.

Risa invited the girls to go shopping in Shibuya. Chloe, Shuna, Tuka, and Lelei easily agreed, but Rory was a bit hesitant. The eagerness of Risa made her agree. Rimuru ordered Benimaru and Diablo to guard them on their shopping, while he was going to visit a place on his mind.

Piña and Bonze asked to be led to the "Library."

You might be wondering where is Testarossa and the others well they had already returned to Tempest to prepare for the delegation coming over from Japan.

Once the group decided on their plans for the day, they went their separate ways. Risa and the girls went shopping, Tomita with Bonze and Piña went to the National Arts and Library, Itami went to meet someone, and Rimuru went on his own.


It had been an hour since they all split up, and right now, Rimuru was walking on the sidewalk, his face reflecting a nostalgic feeling. In truth, Rimuru was feeling nostalgic since the place where he was now was where he died five years ago.

"This place hasn't changed at all... I wonder what those two are doing now," Rimuru thought, remembering his junior Tamura and his girlfriend Miho.

The memory of the past flooded Rimuru's mind as he kept walking to the familiar place. After an hour of walking, he reached a specific place: the cemetery. He stopped in front of one gravestone with the name Mikami Satoru.

"It's really been five years since Mikami Satoru departed from this world. Yet for me, it's been thousands of years since I've reincarnated as a slime," Rimuru said, looking at the gravestone of his past self. Thoughts about what could have happened if he didn't get reincarnated and what could have happened if he revived himself on this world filled his mind.

Such thoughts occupied his mind until he heard a voice not too far away. The voices were coming closer to his destination. Instinctively, Rimuru immediately went into hiding behind a nearby tree. He could hear the two voices stop in front of his past self's gravestone. Curious, Rimuru took a peek, and to his surprise, it was Tamura and Miho, familiar people from his past.

The two looked up at the said gravestone, and Miho placed the flowers on it. They took a praying position and spoke.

"Senpai, we came to visit again. I hope you have found peace in the afterlife. And if you ever get reincarnated, like the ones on TV said, I pray that you're having a good life in your next life," Tamura said.

"Satoru-san, once again, thank you for saving me. We also came to tell you that we are getting married. It took us five years to get this far, but we made our relationship work. Thanks to you for giving us this chance," Miho said.

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