Ch 9: National Diet

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{A/N: I would like to say that I will make this The Tempest here a Galactic Empire with Multiple Planets as their colony}

---This Chapter is Written by Void-King---

Japan Standard Time: 15:20

The National Diet is being broadcast around the world, with multiple people tuned in, from influential individuals to the common folks.

It has been four months since the Ginza Incident and a few weeks since Tempest revealed themselves to the world.

The deliberations will start at 16:00.

Their first topic is the attack of the Fire Dragon on the people of Coda Village.

The Diet members have started asking questions to the witnesses from the Special Region.

The first person to ask questions is Diet member Kouhara Mizuki.

"I'll get straight to the point: why were 150 Special Region refugees, who were supposed to be under SDF protection, killed by a Class-A Dangerous Animal you refer to as a 'Dragon'?" Mizuki asks with a smile on her face.

"Witness Itami," the spokesperson said as Itami stood up and went to the podium.

Before Itami stood up, he could hear Rimuru saying the words, "They really think that fighting a dragon will come out without any casualties? What an idiotic way of thinking."

Itami could also see Chloe, Benimaru, and Diablo nodding at Rimuru's words.

*sigh* 'At least Rimuru-san knows how difficult it was to fight a dragon,' he thought as he went to the podium to answer Mizuki's question.

The camera and the people's attention were now focused on him, waiting for his response.

"Uh, well... to answer your question about the casualties, it's probably because the dragon was so strong," he said in a calm voice.

"How can you be so calm? Don't you feel any responsibility for the loss of those lives?" Mizuki replied.

"I'm sad that so many were killed. I also felt that our own capabilities were lacking."

"So you're admitting that the SDF is at fault?"

"No. We lacked sufficient firepower."

"Huh?" Mizuki let out a confused response to what Itami said.

"Our 7.62mm rounds bounced off it like they were BBs."

{A/N: BB means Ballistic Bullets used in Airsoft Guns.}

"I really wished we'd had a stronger weapon. A charged particle beam, a railgun, a graviton bomb, or something."

"Ahh, if I may, Chairman," a person raised his hand and went to the podium.

"Our analysis of the sample from the Special Region shows that this Dragon had scales as strong as tungsten and could exhale high-temperature flames. It was essentially a flying tank. Demanding zero casualties when fighting such a monster is rather unreasonable, wouldn't you say?" the man said, satisfying Mizuki.

"Very well... then my next question is for Leleila La Lalena."

Lelei was asked about her life inside the refugee camp, and she answered all of Mizuki's questions.

Next, Tuka and Rory were questioned, and both gave answers affirming that the J.S.D.F is doing their job The Diet was Hitting up when Rory Called Mizuki A Little girl but it was stop by the Chairman.

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