Ch 10: Agreement and Warning

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{A/N: I would like to clarify that I am not a military expert, nor do I have any experience in writing about diplomatic meetings. So, if there are any mistakes, please bear with them. Additionally, I want to emphasize that everything written here is a product of my imagination. And as I said in the previous Chapter I will make Tempest an Intergalactic Civilization.}

---This Chapter is Written by Void-King---

Time: 15:30

During the same time when the National Diet is being held, another meeting is taking place in a separate place. The advisor to the Prime Minister, as well as the head of Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is meeting with Princess Piña Colada and her knight, Bronze, along with the Tempest delegation led by Testarossa.

Princess Piña and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs talk about many things, including the treatment of the prisoners, who are soldiers of the Empire. Around 6,000 of them are being held captive in Japan.

The number of prisoners surprises Piña and Bronze due to the large size of the prisoners of war. They agree to return the prisoners, and in exchange, Princess Piña will act as a bridge for Japan and the Empire to have a friendly relationship.

With that agenda with the Empire concluded, Sugawara turns his attention to Testarossa and the Tempest delegation.

"I guess it's our turn, Princess Piña. I would like to ask both of you to stay here since our topic would also determine the relationship of our countries," Testarossa said to Piña, who was about to leave.

They remain seated, and with Testarossa's superior knowledge and experience in negotiation, she leads the meeting to their favor.

Rimuru's orders to her are quite simple: ensure that Tempest will get Japan under their wing at all costs.

"First of all, I would like to form a diplomatic relationship with Japan."

"We understand, and we would also like to form a diplomatic relationship with your country. But we would like to know more about your country. What kind of country are we having diplomatic talks with?" Testarossa nodded and pulled out documents from nowhere, which surprises Piña and even the Japanese Ministry. Testarossa ignores them and gives the documents to Moss, who was with them. Moss proceeds to distribute the documents to all of them.

"On these documents, you will find basic information about our country and a summary of our circumstances in the Lost World, or what you all called the Spatial Region."

As the Japanese and Princess Piña picked up the documents, Testarossa noticed several confused looks among them.

"Umm... Miss Ambassador," Foreign Minister Sugawara began, "We can't read this."

"Huh?" Testarossa was surprised and then remembers that people of Earth and the people from the Spatial Region do not possess the skill Language Compression. "Ohh, I apologize, I have forgotten that people outside of our world don't possess this skill."

They are confused about her words regarding the skill, but they decide not to speak about it.

Testarossa then puts a small round object in the middle of the table, and immediately, a 3D projection of a human appeared.

(Greetings! I'm an AI created to help people understand our country.)

The AI then projects a 3D display presentation, providing visual context about Tempest, with the AI explaining simple things about the nation. The Japanese and Princess Piña are fascinated by the technology display, and they are in awe and gasping in shock as they come to know what kind of country Tempest is.

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