Ch 7: Coming to Japan

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Japan Central Tokyo on one of the Government buildings a Meeting was being held Attended by World Leaders And The Japanese Government Official.

"Let us begin this UN Meeting," The spokesperson said to everyone

The UN decided to hold a Meeting in Tokyo because of the Appearance of the Tempest and they are all here to review what could be a good move for This said nation.

"Our JSDF had made contact with another Nation on the Spacial Region claiming that they also came from another GATE that is Different from ours," one of the Japanese officials said

And the world Leaders and representatives had been whispering to Each other because of another GATE.

"Are those Guy's Hostile Like the ones that Attack Ginza" the representative of South Korea ask

{A/N: People here will have a translator to be able to understand each other}

"They are not Hostile To us And they said that they are open for Political Talks," The Official said

"Assuming that they are not Hostile, what is it that made the Japanese Call for a UN meeting" Ask by the president of the United States.

"To answer your question Mister President I would like to call Dr.Okinawa Head of the Japanese Aerospace Agency" Said by the Speaker

Then a Man wearing a white lab cloak Steps in front of the podium.

"My name is Dr. Okinawa Shinji I work at NASA for five years and I decided to Transfer here to Japan, to Answer Your question Mr. President I would like Everyone to watch this video clip," He said and play a video Showing The Aircraft that Tempest Air Force Used Surprising everyone on the vicinity.

"What kind of Aircraft are those?"

"To answer that using This Video as a reference we Came up with a theory that This aircraft resembles that of an F22 or F35 but that Theory Proven to be wrong"

"How so?" The US President asks

"Please take a look at this clip," Okinawa said as he played a clip of the battlefield and the ability of the aircraft to shoot lasers.

And by seeing those everyone became surprised.

"With this Kind of technology alone it proves to us that This Nation From the other GATE is More scientifically advanced than us and If our estimates are correct their civilization level is Type 2 or maybe even Type 3 in the Kardashev scale," Okinawa said

Kardashev Scale was a way to Classify a Civilization according to its Technology advancement based on its energy use.

And it is divided into three First was Type 1 also known as Planetary Civilization this Civilization can harness all the energy that reaches its home planet from its parent star.

The second was Called Type II Or also Known as an Interstellar Civilization, these civilizations have control over more than one stellar system and theoretically can harness all the power available in a single star.

The Third was Called Type III or also known as Galactic Civilization, This Civilization can capture all the energy emitted in their galaxy.

"So you are saying that this new Civilization Is A Galactic one?" Ask by the Chinese President

"It's only a Proposed Type of Civilization we can measure their Technology Unless we see their Technology First hand" Dr. Okinawa replied.

"That is why The Japanese Government Ask for Their Leaders' Presence if possible and have a diplomatic talk," The Japanese prime minister said.

And the meeting ended leaving the Japanese Government Incharge.

Even so, The Japanese Government knows that Some countries want to take advantage of this.

Spacialy the Three superpower on earth and they need to handle this matter correctly or this might End up in a Planetary War concerning two or even Three worlds.


Back in the special Region Itami and the Recon team three are heading back to The SDF base with Princess Piña and Bronze who was her knight.

They wanted to go to Japan to Apologize for the behavior of her knight and also to have a peace talk with the Japanese Government.

"I wish Rimuru and Chloe could Come along but they said that they will come Later," Itami said

"Still lieutenant I can't believe those jets that we saw" Furata Said

"I also can't believe it myself, if I haven't seen it first hand I probably won't believe it," Said by Itami

"Forget about That what do you think about those that Rimuru-san will Bring, I hope there's a Cat Girl" Furata Said

"You really are still On Cat woman even though you already meet one" Itami said

After a while, they arrived at Alnus Hill Itami Reported that a Day had passed and Rimuru and Chloe along with A delegation from tempest arrived using a Passenger Plane.

The Tempest Delegation consists of Shuna, Benimaru, Rigurd, Diablo, and four more people that will have diplomacy talk With the Japanese Government.

"Yo Itami," said by Rimuru as he walks In front of Itami.

"Morning Rimuru-san," Itami said and Ask for who was with Rimuru.

"Ahh let them introduce themselves," Rimuru said

"My name is Shuna I'll be Rimuru-sama's Assistant on the other side of the gate," Shuna said with a Smile making Itami blush a Little.

"Oii doesn't even think about seducing Shuna," Rimuru said to Itami with Serious Look.

"I won't and besides I'm older than her" Itami said

"What are you saying she's much older than you Idiot," Rimuru said

And Itami was shocked that Shuna sa more than 500 years old.

{A/N: Yup I just made up their Age hahaha}

Then Benimaru and the others also introduce themselves.

Not long after Princess Piña and Bronze arrived and a Car pick them Up and head to the Gate.

"So we are returning back to Japan," Said by Chloe

"Indeed I wonder how's My Kohai doing and how is my Family" Said by Rimuru.

Since On Earth, only 5 years have passed since he Died but in the Cardinal world it's been Centuries have Passed.

But now that the Three worlds are connected by a Gate and time of the three worlds will slowly Sych to That of the Cardinal world.

And Once they step outside of the gate Rimuru and Chloe felt a nostalgic Feeling while Piña and the other special Region Resident look at the Skyscrapers With Awe and disbelief.

Later on Piña even Wrote her experience in Japan Into a book.

For the Tempest delegation was just admiring Rimuru's old world and Was practicing with the people to build this Kind of infant structure without the help of magic.



New chapter Hope you guys like it.

Up next: Japan

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