Ch 14: Happening in Space I

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---This Chapter is Written by Void-King---

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Discovery. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before!

{A/N: The name is Discovery, not Enterprise, since this is an AU. This is not the Discovery from Star Trek, but it will have some of its technology.}

Location: Cardinal Universe, Sector 616

A lone silver metallic ship with an arrowhead design and three blue elliptical prongs at the back can be seen moving in the vast space at a speed faster than light.

A lone silver metallic ship with an arrowhead design and three blue elliptical prongs at the back can be seen moving in the vast space at a speed faster than light

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{A/N: Images are taken from The Orville. Forgive me if I describe it poorly since it's hard to describe.}

The ship's name is TSS Discovery - ECV-1031 A (ECV Stands For Exploratory Class Vessel), a medium-sized exploration ship belonging to the Jura Tempest Federation. It was commissioned a few months before the appearance of the Gate on the Cardinal World and is just one of many types of ships that the Tempest Federation operates.

It was named Discovery because of its unique mission to seek out new worlds and new civilizations across the known and unknown vectors of space.

The TSS (Tempest Star Ship) Discovery was intended to be an exploration vessel capable of traveling through untouched sectors of space. It has a crew of 300 individuals along with some of their families on board.

Although classified as an exploration vessel, it is still under the wing of the Tempest Military and has military-grade weaponry such as phasers and magic cannons. It also boasts a state-of-the-art deflectors that can withstand a hit from a solar storm and many space anomalies. The ship is equipped with a state-of-the-art warp drive called the Mobius drive. With the help of the Mobius system, its Mobius engine can travel millions of times faster than the speed of light. This is due to the Mobius core, which is a miniature black hole protected by multiple layers of magic and plating to prevent damage to the ship. The core, being a mini black hole, can provide unlimited energy to its main engine.

{A/N: Hey, don't take this explanation seriously since this is fictional and due to my imagination running wild.}


On the bridge of the ship, we see multiple officers working at their designated consoles to operate the ship. In the middle are two white chairs belonging to the captain and the first officer.

"So, any plans for the evening?" asked the ship's captain. His name is Edward, the son of Vesta, who married a female scientist also working in Tempest before he and his family ascended to immortality.

"No, not really. I plan to sleep early, though," his helmsman answered.

"I'm not talking to you, Gordon."

"Then who are you talking to?" Gordon asked.

"I'm talking to Viki."

"Viki? You mean the ship's AI?" Gordon asked.

"It appears that not all crew members on the ship know me," a voice spoke within the bridge, audible to everyone.

It was Viki, a new AI implemented on the Federation's new ships.

"Well, you only talk when someone asks questions, so it makes sense that not everyone knows you," Gordon said.

"I see. I shall try to make my presence known to all of our crew by interacting more often," Viki replied.

"Just don't do anything outrageous," Kelly, the first officer of the ship, warned the AI.

"As you command, ma'am."

Their conversation was interrupted when Viki reported something.

"Sir, the long-range scanner has detected a massive object floating in space. It appears to be man-made," Viki reported. Hearing this, Edward ordered Gordon to head towards the location of the object.

"Helm, plot a course."

"Aye, sir," Gordon tapped the console in front of him and plotted the location of their destination. "Course laid in, sir," he reported.

"Warp factor 9," Edward said as he crossed his legs while seated in the captain's chair. "Hit it."

Once the command to execute warp was given, the ship immediately went to warp speed, covering light-years upon light-years in a single minute.

Upon arrival, they were met with a strange damaged ship floating in space with all of its engines turned off.

"What the hell is that thing?" asked Gordon.

"I don't know. Scan that ship!" Ed (short for Edward) ordered his security officer.

"Aye, sir." The security officer complied and immediately ran a full scan of the unknown vessel. "Sir, the scans show that the ship's engines are badly damaged and offline. I'm also reading multiple life signatures and minimal life support."

"Hail That ship!" Edward ordered his communication officer. The communication officer immediately hailed the ship.

"You're on, sir."

"Unknown vessel, this is the Starship Discovery of the Tempest Federation. Our scanners picked up your ship's signature, and it appears you could use some help. We are willing to provide assistance if you so desire it. Please respond, over!"


After a few minutes, the unknown vessel responded to their hail.

"This is Kodai Mamoru, acting captain of the Space Battleship Yamato of the United Nations Cosmo Fleet. We accept your assistance. Honestly, it is a great gift that you found us. If not, we might have died in this vessel that is drifting in space," responded the people from the unknown vessel.

"We will be beaming on board your ship to help and provide medical support if needed," Edward replied.

"We appreciate your help, but what do you mean by beaming on board our ship?" Kodai asked.

"Well, you will see."


On board the Yamato, Kodai Mamoru and some of the executive officers were on the bridge, looking at the strange silver starship in front of them. They were in awe since the moment it dropped out of warp. Everyone on the bridge was waiting for the unknown ship to do what they called "beaming on board."

"Kodai, what do they mean by 'beaming'?" his girlfriend, Yuki, asked.

"I have no idea what they mean by that."

After a few minutes, a bluish energy light appeared in the center of the bridge. From it emerged Captain Edward, his first officer, his medical officer, and his engineering chief, and Two other people from engineering, a total of Six people appeared in place of the bluish light.

"What the hell is that?" Kodai asked, his mouth agape at the sight in front of him. The entire crew of the Yamato was equally shocked.

"I'm Captain Edward of the Starship Discovery. It's a pleasure to meet you, Captain Kodai," Edward said as he extended his hand for a handshake.

---To be continued---

(A/N: Guess who is back... it's me, Mario... just kidding!, well here is a New chapter that you all had been waiting for, ohh by the way Don't get confused This is A different perspective that happened on the same day as the National Diet on Japan.)

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