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Years pass, the twin princes of the Amethyst Empire had grown up to the age of 3. The castle was filled with Prince Wilbur's whining. Because as usual, Prince Technoblade was ignoring him. Everyday, it would be heard. But Prince Wilbur will come to his senses eventually, so no servant paid any mind of the constant irritating noise that echoes through the hallways.

Some said, "at least it isn't quiet as if something were to happen". But even with the noise echoing, conflicts could not be avoided.

The new Queen of the Empire had mysteriously got sick with an unknown disease. The whole of the Empire was devastated. Their children has not yet gotten the news. But the King is contemplating whether to tell them or just simply lie to them. But alas, he does not want his children to hate him.

"Tech, Wil. I have something to confess to both of you." Phil's voice laced with dread and sorrow.

The two boys looked up to their father. Curious of what he could possibly inform them of.

"What is it, Father?" Prince Technoblade asked.

The Emperor or preferably King tried not to emit tears.

"Your mother, she is terribly sick." He stated. The two boys stared in shock.

"Will she get better?" Wilbur had asked.

"I don't know.... All I know is that they're trying their best to make sure she gets better." Phil managed to show a pained smile.

Wilbur was on the verge of tears. Technoblade only stared in shock.

That was the difference between the two boys. Wilbur was more expressive and loud. Technoblade was calm, gentle, and quiet.

Even though Technoblade didn't seem sad about the situation, but deep inside they knew he was crying and on the verge of tearing himself apart.

Technoblade had said it himself, "extremely strong emotions show weakness. I'd rather hide my weakness and show that I am stronger."

"Can we see her?" They both asked.

"Not yet, it might be contagious." Phil stopped the boys from rushing to their mother's room.

A few months passed. It was discovered that it wasn't contagious, but it was extremely fatal. They spent every second together after they found out where her disease could lead.

It seemed as if she was going to be okay. But alas, they had said it too soon.

She was found pregnant! This was extremely dangerous. Either the child or the parent could die. Or worse, both might die. Kristin was given the offer to simply eliminate the child for her own safety. But she cares so much. She doesn't want this child to die before they even came alive.

Months passed. Kristin grew weaker and weaker than ever. The day April 9th came, their empire's founding anniversary. It was also the day their third child was born.

He was named, Prince Theseus. Or Prince Tommy as an alternative name. By the time he was born. Kristin was confined to her bed.

The other were happy that they got their brother!

But it changed once again after the news came the next day. Queen Kristin was pronounced dead after a servant saw her not breathing anymore. Some said, "She must've waited until her child was born before she lets go and stop the pain she's been experiencing for months."


At first, Prince Wilbur and Prince Technoblade was overjoyed-- thought Technoblade hid his emotions about it, mentally that's what he felt-- when they had saw their younger brother.

But when the news that his mother had died shortly after, fueled hatred into their blood stream. Their younger brother was a murderer. He had killed their mother!

He made up a plan to do something to give Tommy what he deserves...

The next evening. When Phil was out and Techno was sleeping. Wilbur got up and went to the kitchen. He grabbed a knife.

And headed for the room where Tommy sleeps in.

He walks in with a knife in his hand. He gets ready to kill him but then. Tommy woke up and giggled as he saw Wilbur.

Wilbur started to feel sorry for the kid. I mean he woke up into the world without knowing that he was the reason why their mother died.

He didn't know what he had done. But when the baby had seen the weapon (knife) it had started to cry.

Wilbur then quickly dropped the knife to the ground and picked up Tommy. Rocking him to sleep.

Wilbur was shocked that he started to calm down in his hands. He felt the urge that he had to protect him from harm no matter what.

He shouldn't be thinking of him as the one who murdered his mother, but think of him as the last thing his mother had left them.

"I will love you forever..." He whispered to the child.

By the time Phil got home. He went to check on Tommy. But seeing as Wilbur was asleep on Phil's bed with Tommy in his hands.

"This is so wholesome. I am glad he finally realized that Tommy needs him..." Phil said as he walked into the room and slept beside them.


A few years have gone by. Tommy was 4 and the twins were 7.

Tommy's father, King Philza, didn't really hate Tommy... The King was just too busy to even bother doing such unimportant things.

As of his eldest brother, they are not on good terms with each other. Since Kristin's death, Techno didn't talk to Tommy. It wasn't because he thinks that Tommy was at fault, it was because Tommy reminded him so much of her, he just couldn't take it. He kept ignoring Tommy, until that ignoring turned into despising him. The Technoblade who was 7 yrs. Old started to despise Tommy, for his reasons, he was said to have said that Tommy was an annoying brat.

As of Tommy's relationship with Wilbur, they were actually very close. Until...

Wilbur developed talent in the hall of Music.

"Prince Wilbur, it seems you have uncovered your talent." His father said walking into his room.

"Yes Father. I have been writing some songs recently" Prince Wilbur answered.

"I have noticed the said songs, and it was said that your songs are the most popular in the land." The King said with excitement.

"Wow. Really father?" The young Prince said.

"Since you're still young, you have lots of time to practice that new talent of yours. No distractions." The King said.

But what is wrong with it? Wilbur has talent shouldn't we be happy about that? You don't know every part of the story... Why don't I show a little more of it to you?

"I am father. I practice everyday, but after playing with Tommy." Prince Wilbur said.

"Wilbur... I'm sorry but... You have to stop playing with Tommy." The King said.

"But then who would play with him?" The young prince asked.

"I'll get someone to do that for you. You have to focus on improving your talent." King Philza said.

"But-" "no buts Prince Wilbur." Wilbur got cut off by Phil.

He had just started to like Tommy even more now. And now is when his father stops him from bonding with his little brother? What timing. Tommy hated the fact that he could never see Wilbur again...


Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you liked it. And please kindly send your recommendations for future chapters in the comments, it would really help to see your opinions and ideas. And this is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you an amazing day!


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