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"Father." Tommy states. As he walks into the King's office.

"Tommy. What may be your reason to be here on this fine day?" His father asked not looking away from the piles of paperwork he had to finish.

'I forgot I had paperwork to finish, s**t.' Tommy thought. Glancing at the things his father is signing and studying.

"I would like to discuss an important matter." Tommy replied.

"What may that be?" The King answered. Still doing what he was doing.

"I wish you to let Tubbo free." Tommy answered.

The King paused. It was like time itself had stopped.

"What may your reasons be." The King stated chalantly. Now staring at the young boy he calls his son in front of him.

"He doesn't deserve his fate. I do not believe he had done it willingly, we were great companions. He wouldn't do such a thing to a friend." Tommy replied.

His father sighed.

"Tommy. We've talked about this. He betrayed our trust. I had let him slide multiple times. But that night, was when I had enough. He needs training. Proper etiquette training. It is extremely prohibited to steal from the Royal Family." He replied.

"But father, he is only my age, a mere child. Children make mistakes, am I correct?" Tommy defended.

"Yes. Children do make mistakes. But there always is a line somewhere you can't cross. And Tubbo had crossed that line." The King replied. Defending his side ever so great.

"But Father. He could have done it for other reasons. Or he could have been forced by someone." Tommy reasoned.

The doors were swung open and someone stepped in closing the door as well.

"I believe it is Tommy's fault Father." Technoblade spoke.

Tommy glared at his so-called brother. All he'd ever done for him was bully him or something.

"How so?" The King replied. Interested at Techno's interruption.

"See. If Tubbo were to steal from us, why would he only go for Tommy's possessions? He could have taken some of ours as well. I have a suspicion that Tommy told him to hold it for him or act like he's stealing it or tell him that it was his. And then blame it on Tubbo." Techno answered.

"That is preposterous. Why would I do such a thing to my dearest friend." Tommy answered. Denying Technoblade's thought.

"Because you were angry because he kind of replaced you with that Ranboo kid." Technoblade replied.

Tommy was lost of words. He knew he despised Ranboo a bit. But he didn't think it was because of his jealousy.

"Tommy. Do you have anything to say?" The King turned to his youngest. Who was glaring at the eldest.

*KNOCK KNOCK* The door opens.

"Oh. Uh.. Bad Timing?" George asked peeking through the door.

"Uh yeah. It is." Tommy replied. His father glared at the boy.

"Actually Prince George, it is okay. What may you need at this moment?" The King asked.

"I would need to extend my stay. My Kingdom is in War with another. And they said it wasn't safe for me to come back." George replied. Walking into the office.

"It is okay. You are welcome to stay as long as you'd like. Now will you excuse us, we have family business to attend to." The King motioned for him to leave.

The Prince gave Tommy a look of worry. And when they left, the moment had started to tense up even more.

"Techno, kindly repeat what you just said." The King gestures to the eldest.

"I have suspicions to believe Tommy has done something that led up to Tubbo being put in Rehab. Because he is jealous of the Ranboo guy." Techno repeated.

"And what does Prince Tommy have to say?" The King and the eldest prince's attention laid on the youngest Prince of the Amethyst Empire.

"That isn't true father. Tubbo was my closest companion. I would not betray him in such a way because of some hint of jealousy I emit." Prince Tommy replied.

"I would also like to add that there is no evidence to prove Prince Technoblade's point." Tommy adds.

Smirking slightly.

Prince Technoblade merely stared at the teen. He couldn't believe the youngest Prince had been able to remove any stain on themselves. He could only believe and hope, that his revenge would come, one way or another. He was the reason his mother had weakened and died too early. Their mother was supposed to have another year. But he had to be born.

"Indeed. Prince Technoblade, do you have anything to defend your statement?" The King asked.

"I may not have evidence today. But I will soon. Father, may I be dismissed?" Technoblade replied politely.

"You may. Both of you are dismissed." The King replied.

Both brothers bowed in unison and headed on their way.

Prince Technoblade has to train. While Prince Tommy has to fill up some paperwork and attend vocabulary and leadership classes. He is the heir to the throne, for Prince Technoblade and Prince Wilbur did not wish to be rulers of their empire.

Prince Tommy did not have any choice in this. Maids say that he was forced to the role. Which was true.

One servant on the other hand, planned to take over the Amethyst Empire.

Deep in the forests around the land. Underneath the ground. Deeper than the dungeons in the empire's fortress. Laid a room. Reinforced with 3 layers of obsidian. Vines dangling from its ceiling. A throne room on the left made with Green fabric. The red vines reach the said green room.

The red contrasts with the green. An alliance that will surely defeat the purples and violets of the Amethysts.

An alliance everybody was oblivious of.

"They will know our name, my friend. One day, they will see. That we are the rightful rulers of the empire."

"Yes. I know. We are better than them. I have two options in our takeover. We shall discuss it, my friend."

"Splendid, Dream."

"Anything to get what we want."

- - - - -

Eyyy! Another chapter wooo!

This chapter is 1008 words long not including the A/N's.

Hope you enjoyed it!

This is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!

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