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Previously on Feelings Section III:

"I know something. You guys should know too." I stated. Looking down on the ground. It looked very mesmerizing to Stare at.

"What is it? Do tell." Tubbo replied.


Currently on Feelings Section III:

Back at the palace. It was pretty chill. Emperor Theseus had taken a rest at his office. It wasn't technically a rest because he was still going through some paperwork.

He hates paperwork. It takes too long to read and it takes time for him to understand and comprehend it. He should just ban paperwork. Oh wait. He's not the Emperor of the whole world. He can't do anything about that.

But Emperor of the whole world sounds nice. Too bad he can't just do that.

It was boring really. Being Emperor and all. Too many responsibilities. And there's basically no one around to talk to. Dream is busy doing his own thing. And the egg is hiding somewhere far. And the servants? They're too scared to even talk to him. It wasn't fun. It was lame. He wishes he could just sit on his throne all day while thinking of he should give or not give the slaves mercy. Seeing them suffer is very fun and interesting.

But something keeps bothering him. There's thos massive headache making him more miserable. He feels like he doesn't know something. But that's proposterous! He's the Emperor! For sure he knows everything that's happening around him. Right?

He's not sure... He feels like he needs to find something. To save something. To stop something. But he couldn't put his finger on it. Everything is just so blurry to fuzzy to confusing. So staticky.

He just doesn't understand anymore. The world seems to be against him right now. It must hate him a lot. He wants to be a child again. Maybe his life would be easier. He wants to recall childhood memories but all he could think about was his whole family's death. He can't believe they're all just gone. First was his mother, who died because of her sickness. Then his father who was assassinated on a trip to a neighboring kingdom. And the hardest of them all. His brothers. His elder brothers. Technoblade who had died in battle. And Wilbur who committed suicide. Theseus wanted to follow them so bad. But Dream was there to stop him. Saying things like "It's not your time to die yet."

But these memories doesn't seem that real to him. It just feels wrong. It feels out of place. Maybe it is. Or it's just his way of coping with the loss..

He was happy Dream was there. But he was sad that his former companions are dead.

- - - -

"So you're saying the Emperor is being controlled?" Tubbo scoffed.

"Yes! I saw it with my own two eyes!" Fundy defended.

"I don't see how that fits." Fundy wanted slap some sense into that boy. He doesn't even know what he's talking about. And what they're up against.

"I think otherwise, Tubbo. Because it seems this information is very reliable. The young Emperor was a cunning, loud, and energetic guy and as we see now he is... Well. The opposite. Therefore indicating that he switched personalities. From kind to mean. From loud to quiet. From emotional to stern." Ranboo said. But Tubbo wouldn't believe a single thing about it.

"Stop with the fancy talk, Ranboo. It's clear that the Emperor is just fooling Fundy. The trickster he is." Tubbo argued.

"Tubbo how long until you finally believe him?" Niki asked. Annoyed at the youngest.

"Until I see it with my own two eyes."

"You want to see it? Get yourself caught by those royal guards then. Maybe you'll believe me once you're being killed." Fundy replied in annoyance and slight anger. He really can't deal with this right now.

- - - - -

Sorry for the long wait just to get a short chapter. I am really caught up with a lot of stuff right now you see? Oh wait you can't but I am.

Its that or I'm just forgetting that I still had fanfics to write. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this 'short' chapter.

This is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!

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