01 • society

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 " are you ready? "

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" are you ready? "

NO ONE CAN TELL THE actual definition of the meaning of life. For some, it is all about happiness, building a family, and leading life as it is. For some, it is about accumulating wealth, whereas, for some, it is all about love.

I think life is bullshit. Pardon my foul language, is what I should follow that statement with. I think manners are bullshit as well. But, I tighten the strings of my corset and put a smile on my face because that is what society expects.

Society is mean, cruel, absurd and much more fouler terms about. Society has this great image of what people should look like. Most call them beauty standards, I call it men's perverting view of how woman should look.

All men have a mother, right? Woman are the ones who gave men life. But, they sure as hell aren't the ones who aloud their egos to be the size of mountains. So why in the world do men even have the nerve or the right to dictate the way society is shaped?

Please, if anyone out there has the answer, do tell.

The only people in my life who have brought me nothing but anguish and pain have been men. My father, the strict, no good preposterous man who quite frankly I'm glad is no longer one with the living.

Lord Niklaus Mikaelson, the one who brutally yet thankfully stabbed my father through the abdomen with a fencing sword. The one who also brought death to the rest of my family, the ones who I actually loved. And yes, I do dare to call him by his name. It's not like he's lurking around the corner, waiting for his medieval name to escape my lips.

Lastly, this awfully rude young lad I met at a facility a few years back. He ripped my dress which not only costed me great money but I planned on passing down to the children I am to have in the future. It was this nice shade of periwinkle with puff sleeves and a hip regulator. I quite liked it.

So, at the end of this perplexing lesson, the great meaning of it all is that men are worthless, no good prudes who deserve nothing in life, and are only praised for their godlike sculptured figures and their pleasures that they hand off in the bedroom.

Now, catching up in present time as my hips rock back and forth uncomfortably in the carriage I find myself accompanying in. My sister is in the seat next to me with the lovely Miss Emily Bennett in the spot across from me. The holy trinity really. I don't think you would find one of us somewhere without the other two.

"You're in a daze again, sister. Snap out of it now we've almost arrived." Katherine said, patting my shoulder softly. I abruptly turned my head towards her, being stricken from my daze with her voice.

I dragged my gaze back to the window, "You haven't even told me where we're going. I think I at least deserve to know where I will be spending my quality time."

𝐒𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂; S.S.Where stories live. Discover now