19 • dangerous liasons

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             MUSIC IS PLAYING IN the living room of Klaus's mansion

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MUSIC IS PLAYING IN the living room of Klaus's mansion. Rebekah is having her nails polished by an assistant. Kol is standing before a full-length mirror wearing a black evening suit while a tailor adjusts it. Finn and Elijah are also standing in the room preparing for the ball. Hadiya is standing on a podium as she gets measured by a tailor.

"Rebekah? Tell me how handsome I am." Kol told his sister, looking at himself in the mirror.

Rebekah flashed him a fake smile, "Ah Kol, you know I can't be compelled."

"Hadiya?" He questioned the only non Mikaelson in the room.

She breathed in dramatically, "No. You have heard of that word before, right?"

Finn grins. The door opens and Klaus walks in and up to Rebekah.

"You went after Elena? What is wrong with you?! Do you want another dagger in your heart?" Klaus threatened his little sister.

Kol butted in, "Again with the dagger threats? Don't you have any other tricks?"

"Oh, go back to staring at yourself." The hybrid snarled.

The two throw insults back and forth before their mother interrupts them.

"Enough! Niklaus. Come." Esther beckoned her son. She gave Hadiya a small smile for putting up with the family drama.

The tailor finished measuring the heretic, telling her the dress will be ready in a few hours. She thanks them, showing them the way out.

Klaus's mansion has become a second home for her. He doesn't mind. There's enough bedrooms in it to fill the entire town.

Her feet lead her up to her room, taking a seat on her bed. The phone rings. She couldn't bother to learn how to use the small ones so she asked for one that was the easiest to use.

"Hello?" Hadiya says into the phone.

"Hey, what's this Mikaelson ball tonight? Elena's invited. With you kinda living there I assume you know what it's for." Stefan's voice answers.

She fidgets with the string attached to the phone, "Esther thought it would be nice. They want peace in this town. She wants to be a big happy family again."

"That sounds totally normal." He says in a sarcastic tone.

"She made them swear to not hurt anyone. Besides, I haven't been to a ball in ages and it should be fun." Hadiya tells him with a smile which makes him smile as well.

"Are you going with Klaus?" Stefan asks out of curiosity. Elena doesn't know that he was planning on going so he won't be taking her.

Hadiya sighs, "No. He's taking Caroline for something that wasn't worth telling me, apparently. I don't mind going by myself."

𝐒𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂; S.S.Where stories live. Discover now