08 • death without dying

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 " it was nice while it lasted "

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" it was nice while it lasted "

I'VE NEVER HEARD silence quite this loud. Muffled, incoherent voices flooded my head; voices I know I'm not suppose to be able to hear. Everything feels so close, painful, agonized. My eyes stung even behind my eyelids. The sun is beating down on me like rocks slowly molding into me.

How am I still breathing?

Of course that question surfaces my mind. I was shot. I felt the bullet. I felt my life being taken from me. I was ready to die. I was prepared. Apparently the world has other plans for me.

My consciousness slowly came back to me. A wave of energy surged over me, giving me back a life that I didn't want anymore.

My eyes opened to the strong light that is the sun. It was painful. It itches on my skin. It burns.

"Good, you're awake." A voice reached out to me. It sounded familiar so I didn't immediately jump at the sound of it. Plus, my body is far to frail to make any sudden movements.

My eyes moved from the intense, beaming light to the figure hovering above me.


She nodded. It took practically everything in me to sit up. I noted my paler skin and my lack of clothes. I wasn't naked, just wrapped in a flimsy nightgown.

"You're transitioning, Hadiya." Emily said. I'm somewhat happy she didn't lie to me or anything and just told me straight up but I was still taken aback by the information.

She looked just about as awestruck as I was which I found a bit weird but I didn't say anything.

I looked off in the distance to see two figures sitting in front of the lake. I could tell by just their hair it was the Salvatore brothers. Their body language showed defeat as they threw a conversation back and forth.

My legs swung over so my feet were hovering above the ground. I'm not even sure if I have enough strength to stand but why not try?

Once I finally put all my weight into my legs they slowly walked towards the brothers, sitting just a little bit behind them.

"It is neither of your faults," I started, my voice regaining its function, "I do not want to hear either of you blaming yourselves."

I knew that they were in transition too. Their shirts were off to the side with dried blood soaked into them, and a gun shot hole to match.

They didn't say anything, obliging to my words. I pressed a solemn hand to both of their backs, placing a chaste kiss on either of their temples and walking back to where Emily stood. She was now occupied with another guest but their back was to me. Though it didn't take me long to recognize her from her hair.

𝐒𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂; S.S.Where stories live. Discover now