12 • the sun also rises

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CHAPTER TWELVE_______________

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( 3 weeks earlier )

             I'VE BEEN IN THIS cellar for weeks, learning spells I've been unable to since my lack of knowledge to what I truly am. I'm surrounded by grimoires. Each of them hold an overwhelming amount of information. Information I've been trying to retain in my mind.

There's also multiple empty packets of blood bags. He says the more I drink, the more strength I'll have.

I hear footsteps coming towards me. My mind flickers all of the candles flames to life.

"How is it going, my dear? By the sight of the flames I take it well." It's Klaus. The immediate ringer to his identification was his sickening but also oddly attractive British accent.

I'm on my knees with my hands in my lap, my eyes skimming across a page explaining how to channel other witches. Klaus wants me to learn everything. Absolutely everything these grimoires have to offer.

"Where did you get these? They're so detailed, so explicit." I can't help but ask him. In some of my research I read it takes years to find one, let alone this many.

"They were my mothers." He explains, taking a seat on the chair in the corner. "Now, show me something amazing, my love."

I give him a smile and nod. I stand to my feet, leaning down so I'm face to face with him. I take his hand in mine, closing my eyes as I begin to chant. His eyes close as well. Images of memories from us in 1492 begin to flash in his mind, a smile growing on his face. From our first conversation to our last, from the day I confessed my love for him to the day he said it was reciprocated.

The images stop and our eyes open. I set down his hand and walk back over to the spot on the floor I was sitting.

"That was beautiful. Keep working, my love." He complimented, giving me a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the cellar. The light from the candle flames disappeared with each step he took.

( present day )

               ELENA AND JENNA ARE sitting on the ground. Jenna is clutching at her head.

"Oh, my head," Jenna groans, "What is wrong with me?"

"Do you remember what happened?" Elena asks her aunt.

"You called me," She starts, "You were so scared. Oh, I should've realized it wasn't you. The second I walked out of the house, someone grabbed me. A vampire."

𝐒𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂; S.S.Where stories live. Discover now