14 • daisy

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               I'M LYING IN A FIELD OF flowers

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I'M LYING IN A FIELD OF flowers. Daises, I believe them to be. A singular one rolled between my thumb and first finger. A strong gust of wind came and tore off a pedal. I frowned. All it takes is one gust of wind to tear off a piece of you.

I heard a small laugh radiate from beside me. "Poor thing." They say. I nod, agreeing with them.

I see myself in this flower. So many people come and pick just one petal off and leave you alone. Sometimes they come back and take another. Sometimes they take more than one. Sometimes they take nothing at all, but just admire you and your beauty.

"Hey, do you thi—" I turn to look at them but nobody was there. Suddenly, a shadow covers my face and a hand extends itself out to me. I smile and take their hand. They help me up but suddenly they push me back down and I wake up. There's no daises and nobody around me. There's no peace and smiles and giggles. It's just me. Here and awake and lying in this bed alone.

HADIYA HAD LEFT THE room to say her peace to Elijah or something else unrelated. Stefan looked up at Klaus, glaring. He pushed his shoulders and Klaus let him. Once, twice, three times.

"What the hell did you do to her? I thought— I thought she was dead. I was there and she freaking died!" Stefan's voice trembled as he yelled in the hybrids face.

Klaus smirked, "Gotta love witches, aye? Especially when they know how important someone is. I seem to have ignited an old flame. Shame she can't care enough to remember you."

This ticked Stefan off just as much as Klaus wanted it to. He vamped them against a wall, Stefan's hand enclosing around his neck.

"Why can't you just leave her alone? Why'd you have to bring her into this?" The Salvatore writhed in Klaus's face. The hybrid just laughed.

"Thought it'd be a shame to waste such talents. She's like me. Two of a kind. An abomination. Everyone loathes what she is which only makes me want her more. Did she ever tell you? She has the ability to perform a gift; the gift of magic. I could practically smell it on her when I first met her. She being the clueless soul that she is, had no idea of her talents. I showed her the ropes. Gave her a few spells here and there. Like that nifty little spell that ended with your dead girlfriend. Yeah, she was going to do that to Katerina but that obviously didn't go as planned now did it?"

Stefan stood in shock, slowly opening his hand.

"No, no she never told me. She never told me anything." This made Stefan a bit hurt on the inside. He thought they were at a point that she'd share something so meaningful. Maybe she did pick up one or two of her sisters traits along the way.

𝐒𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂; S.S.Where stories live. Discover now