18 • right where you left me

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           AFTER A COUPLE HOURS of scolding from Klaus about letting the doppelgänger live, he left Hadiya to explore the city

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           AFTER A COUPLE HOURS of scolding from Klaus about letting the doppelgänger live, he left Hadiya to explore the city. The hybrid went to the high school to do some business, which is what he told her. The day passed by quickly. Soon enough, Klaus came back to give Hadiya a report.

Stefan's humanity is off, Elena's blood is the cure to his hybrid problem, the town werewolf Tyler is now a hybrid and Hadiya is sentenced to stay in this town to protect the doppelgänger with the emotionless vampire.

The two walk into the Salvatore boarding house, eavesdropping on Damon and Elena's conversation. Seeing as the two have no idea Hadiya is alive, she is excited to see their reactions.

"Well, isn't this cozy." Stefan says as the two walk into the living room. Hadiya grabs a bottle of alcohol, throwing some down her throat.

They both look aside and see Stefan leaning against a pillar at the edge of the room. Damon gets up, his eyes focused on Hadiya.

"You're alive. Huh." Damon walks over and takes the bottle of bourbon from her hands.

Elena looks at the foreign girl, "Who are you?"

"You don't remember me? I tried to kill you. Unsuccessfully, might I add. You really are a pain in the ass. But, you are my blood so I guess I'll be friendly. Hadiya." She sticks her hand out but Elena doesn't take it. The heretic shakes it off and takes a seat on the couch.

Stefan sits next to her, "Klaus said you're under our protection now. She'll be taking one of the guest rooms, and seeing as this is my house I'll be in my room."

"Hadiya, as in Katherine's sister?" Elena asked with a confused look.

She nods, "That's the one."

The heretic stood up and began to make her way to a guest room. Her packed clothes were already in there so all she had to do was whoosh her hand and they were magically stored away.

Within the next few days, Rebekah had taken over another guest room. Hadiya was the only one who welcomed the girl, the others not so enthusiastic about the situation.

Rebekah spent the next few days preparing for the high school homecoming dance. Hadiya said she'd rather choke on moldy milk than attend a stupid dance with idiotic music. She did indulge in Rebekah's excitement and helped her pick out a dress. Lo and behold, Elena, Damon, Caroline and Matt tried to kill Klaus but Stefan saved him. The hybrid then released him from his compulsion.

This release didn't exactly go in Klaus's favor as Stefan stole his coffins filled with family members. Klaus drained Hadiya of almost all her magic to try and find them but it was no use.

Klaus informs Stefan, Hadiya and Damon that they're invited to a dinner party. Hadiya is thrilled that Elijah is joining them, their friendship growing ever since Damon removed his dagger.

𝐒𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂; S.S.Where stories live. Discover now