Lady Lesso ~The Watcher from the Shadows ~

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Another lesson was due. You had already taught so many lessons at the School for Evil, and yet every new lesson felt as exciting as if it were the first. It has been 5 months since you were accepted as a teacher at this hallowed institution for future villains. Your subject: sword fighting & fighting without magic. Your passion for your subject was second to none and nobody could match you.

When you finally reached the school grounds, you could already see the students waiting impatiently. Some ran like mad across the yard, others pretended to fight and then pushed each other back and forth. When they saw you coming, they all stopped.

"Students, gather everyone here!" you yelled in an imperious tone. They formed a semicircle around you and looked at you. "Students, as you all know, I'm Mrs. Y/l/N. I don't want to beat around the bush, so first off: a question. Why is it so important that you guys can fight without magic?" You looked around the room. "It's not." Said a girl with a smirk.

It was Hester, you had been watching her for quite a while. Not surprised that she found your subject useless, but inwardly you were hoping there would be protests. "We only need magic. 'Martial arts' is so futile." Hester snorted with laughter, and now the other students were starting to giggle too.

You just stared at her intently until a sneaky smile crept onto your face. Before anyone could see it, you had quickly joined Hester and now held a knife to her throat." So as you can see, martial arts can be quite useful to you. You just have to know how to use it correctly, you have to find your opponent's weak points. NEVER, EVER, rely on your magic." As you continued to explain, you hadn't moved the knife from Hester's throat. Now you pushed her away from you, causing her to trip and almost fall into Dot's arms.

"I want ya'll to attack me! All at once or alternately. Only with pure punching power or with a sword. You decide what you do. What you can't do though is use magic, that's the only rule! I just want you to focus on your combat skills." The students all looked at each other in confusion. "What are you waiting for?? Attack me!" You yelled.

The first students still hesitated, but it wasn't long before the first ran towards you and tried to hit you. Others pulled out a knife or a sword and tried to pierce you with it. You dogded elegantly. First crouch, then a quick step to the side.

Suddenly, a strange feeling built up inside you. Someone was watching you and it definitely wasn't one of your students. As you continued to dodge, you casually tried to figure out where the glare was coming from, but you just couldn't find anything.

Unfortunately, your search distracted you and a student almost hit you with the tip of her knife, but you were able to pull your head back just in time. Meanwhile, Hester had started to let out her dragon. She aimed it straight at you while four other students kept trying to attack you. You knocked one of the students unconscious and then quickly stole his sword. Then you cut off one of the dragon's wings, it staggered and rearranged all the students before they could reach you. The dragon fell to the ground, taking Hester and all the other students with it.

"I clearly said no magic!" You called loudly to Hester who was still rolling on the floor. "You could have seriously hurt the other students!" You said indignantly and your eyes fell on Hort whose sleeve was slightly burned off, but apart from that he seemed to be fine. "Anadil, Dot, take her to the infirmary." You pointed to Hester. "Hester, we'll talk later! Everyone else, class is over, go to lunch now." And so you stormed off the training ground.

If someone hadn't been watching you, you wouldn't have been so distracted and you wouldn't have nearly gotten gored and so you would have been able to stop Hester sooner. Angry at your own inattentiveness, you stormed off to lunch. Actually, you were long gone from hunger and still your body was screaming for something to eat.

After taking a plate with food, you placed yourself at the teacher's table. You were about to start eating, but there was that feeling again. Someone was watching you, that was very clear now. And on the way to the canteen you also had the feeling that someone was following you. Were you schizophrenic now? No, you were absolutely sure. But what if not? All this thinking was giving you a headache, and your appetite was now even less than before, so you picked up your half-empty tray and put it back to the dish dispenser.

You had now left the canteen and were on your way to the bottom floor. It consisted of only two rooms and students were forbidden there. On the way there, however, you could clearly feel it: someone was behind you.

Mysterious Persons POV

I was behind her, at a safe distance of course. But wait. Had she suddenly run faster? No, she couldn't have noticed me, could she? I ran a few steps faster now and was just turning the last corner when I was roughly pushed against the wall with a sword pointed right at my throat.

Your POV

"Lady Lesso. I knew it." You said in a long sentence. You held the sword from a distance, yet so close that it was right at her throat. You didn't want to get too close to her, mainly because you yourself detest physical contact and human closeness.

"Mrs. Y/L/N, what do you think this is going to be?" Lesso asked after she had finally composed herself. "Why are you stalking me?!" Straight to the point again, that was exactly your way. Lady Lesso just snorted. "Me? Stalking you? Please Mrs. Y/L/N, don't be pathetic."

"Yes, I think exactly that." Lesso laughed again, and then continued with another sentence. "And what in hell's name makes you think that?" You took a deep breath before your answer burst out. "I felt you watching me at my lesson today, I know you followed me on the way to the canteen and ended up watching me IN the canteen, and last but not least you got into my clutches down here because you were following me."

During all your talking you hadn't broken eye contact with Lesso once. There was a brief silence. Then Lesso started laughing out loud which quickly turned into a smirk and before you knew it she had her cane knocking your sword away grabbing your wrists and pinning you against the wall. Your faces were only a few millimeters apart now.

"Perhaps," Lesso said in a whisper, "you're just too full of yourself, Mrs. Y/L/N." She spat out your last name, but the smirk never left her face. Now you could feel her breath on your face. Now you could smell her perfume quite clearly and she smelled like... lavender and vanilla and... incense.

You shook your head, you couldn't let her put you off, no way. So you chose to fight her back at her own game. "I'm many things, Lady Lesso. But I'm certainly not too full of myself," you replied in the same whispery tone she had, "I know full well what it's like to be followed, and what it feels like being watched, and that... definitely was the case with you. You... are a watcher from the shadow." a small grin crept onto your lips.

"You do have brains dearest, but this is still my school. And I can go wherever I want and I can watch whoever I want. Who knows, maybe I just wanted to see if you were even suitable for my school." "Assessing my ability as a teacher is in the hands of the schoolmaster, certainly not yours!" You tried to push her away from you, but she only pressed you against the wall more firmly and smacked her staff across your chest to hold you back.

It wasn't that hard, but the quick, direct impact of the stick on your chest still made you groan. A touch of lust flitted across Lesso's face. It was only brief, but you had seen it very clearly.

Maybe to be continued🤔who knows. .🤫

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this book:)) Let me know what you think😉🥰👌👌

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