Marilyn Thornhill ~ Painkillers...

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Youre a student at Nevermore. You seem like a normal, very achievement-oriented student, but what if you had a secret? and what would happen if someone found out?


Your alarm went off. You hastily stood up, snatched up your school uniform outfit form the day before and dashed into the bathroom. "Y/n!! Why do you jump up the second your alarm goes off? There's something called snooze button, you know." You heard your roommate Yoko call into the bathroom.

You rushed back out of the bathroom, fully dressed and now standing in front of your mirror putting on some chapstick. Yoko was still in bed and had repulled her blanket over her head. You were reading in two of your textbooks as you hurriedly attempted to put your hair in an updo.

"Almond root, poisonous plant... red itchy rash..." you muttered to yourself.

You heard the blanket rustle on your roommate's side. "Y/n, Yoko is right. Lessons won't start for another hour and you're already learning" you heard Divina's drowsy voice "Take a break, or just say you're sick, so you can take a day off to rest."

You turned around, visibly rolled your eyes, but had to smile at the sight that greeted you:
Both Yoko's and Divina's head poked out from under Yoko's bed covers, both faces were still tired and yet filled with lust. "Lovebirds, unlike you, I prioritize school, learning and my accomplishments over making out and flirting." you exclaimed as you grabbed your bag, stuffed the last booklet inside, and stormed out the door.

"Y/n where are you going?" "Library" could only be heard in the distance before the door closed. For a while, you sat in the quiet library. It was the ideal setting for continuing your studies in peace. Eventually your gaze fell on the watch on your wrist and you jumped up; You were to late!

You quickly gathered all your materials and rushed out of the library, almost losing your worksheets and nearly knocking over Headmistress Weems on the way too. Completely out of breath, you burst into the greenhouse, Miss Thornhill's classroom, apologizing profusely as you made your way to your seat.

"It's okay Y/n, please just sit down quietly." Miss Thornhill reassured you. "Y/n that's pretty impressive; you get up an hour early and yet you're still late." Divina muttered sarcastically from behind you. "Quiet please" Miss Thornhill said in a calm voice.

Then she began the lesson.

You were able to answer every single question she asked with 100 percent accuracy. Your classmates just snorted in annoyance while others were just absent or asleep. But it didn't matter, it was your grade, not theirs. At the end of the lesson, everyone packed up their belongings and filed out of the room.

Just as you were about to leave the room, you heard Miss Thornhill's soothing voice behind you. "Y/n can you please wait a minute?" You turned around, waited until the last student left the room and then looked at her questioningly.

"Y/n are you all right?"

Confusion washed over you.  "What exactly do you mean Miss Thornhill? My cooperation is good, or is not? O-Or did I get something wrong in class?" She approached you and gently patted your shoulder, her face filled with concern. "No, oh god no. This isn't about school, it's about you. I'm worried about you. You've been looking so pale lately and you seem so distressed all the time. Do you eat enough? Do you take enough breaks in between?"

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