Lady Lesso ~ But I need you..{2}

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Your POV

You slowly regained consciousness. Your head was so heavy, yet you lifted it to look around. What actually happened? It lasted a moment, then like a bolt of lightning it shot into your head. Rafal had happened! You were about to warn the teachers and then you were dragged away before you could do anything.

You tried to get up but your wrists and ankles were tied to a wooden chair. You also noticed that there was a ring of blood floating around your wrists. It was probably blood magic, and that was a spell to prevent you from using your magic. But you had to be sure. So you tried to cast a very simple spell. A Sharpe pain shot through your whole body and you groaned in pain. Okay, so magic isn't an option.

Before you could think of anything else, a figure stepped out of the shadows. "Oh no really-" That was the only thing that came out of your mouth before Rafal stood in front of you. He had fashioned a knife out of his blood magic and was now holding it to your throat.

"Be quiet!" He hissed at you, "If you say even a peep, you'll regret it all sorely!" OK, calm down. Maybe he'll leave you alone if you just keep quiet and listen to him talk. Rafal looked at you. Then he straightened up and began to speak.

"Do you know why you are here?" He didn't give you time to reply, "You are here because you have incredible power within you. I want to help you use it." He said the sentence with a grin that absolutely disgusted you. "I thought that's what you got your little princess Sophie for," you replied. He slapped you on your cheek with his left palm.

It burned, but you were glad he used the hand without a knife in it. "She was just the beginning! A minimal aid to my actual plan. You, however... could be a great support and companion to me in the long run." That disgusting grin showed up on his face again. "All you have to do is detach yourself from Leonora."

Leonora. Leonora? He wasn't talking about- Oh.My.God. Rafal seemed to like your shocked face, but it didn't last long. After all, she had taught how to keep a poker face, and now was the best time to use it.


Now Rafal was the one who looked shocked. "Excuse me?" he asked in disbelief. "You heard me. No. I won't come by your side, and I certainly won't betray her." Now he raised his right hand, the hand he still had the knife in.

It happened so fast and at first you didn't feel it. But then your cheek started to burn. You could feel the blood running down your face from your cheek. A few drops fell on your shirt and pants. Rafal faced you with a hateful face.

"That was a stupid decision, y/n!" It was the first time he had said your name, and it send a shiver down your spine. He created a cloth out of his magic, then took a step forward and gagged you. "Now you will both die" and with these words he disappeared again.

It took you a bit to understand what he had just said. Both of you... you and... Lesso. You started struggling against the bonds again, even more than before. You screamed your heart out
At least you did it as far as the gag would let you.

Stupidly, you tried to use your magic too, over and over again. This ended up sending about fifty beats of pain through your body, each one feeling worse than the last.
But you didn't care. You had to get out of here. You had to save her!

But all the screaming and fighting didn't help, and at some point your strength just gave out. You don't remember how much time had passed since Rafal left. It could have been 10 minutes, or it could have been half an hour, or it could have been an hour. you didn't know.

But it didn't matter anyway.

Nobody would come to save you. He would come back, he would kill you, and nothing would have changed. You won't be able to save her. Maybe she's already dead? Who knew? Your body was about to give up. You were about to give up.
You felt empty, lonely and... abandoned.

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